As ‘The Base Comes Home’ For Trump, Here’s A Handy Pocket Guide To The Midterm Elections

There has been some method to his madness. The base is coming home. That's from Republican pollster Bill McInturff, who, along with Democrat Peter Hart, runs the NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, the latest edition of which shows Democrats' edge heading into the midterms narrowing to seven percentage points from nine last month. Apparently, Trump has had some measure of success in rallying his base around the idea that Honduras is invading Texas at the direction George Soros. And yes, that's

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One thought on “As ‘The Base Comes Home’ For Trump, Here’s A Handy Pocket Guide To The Midterm Elections

  1. I am a conservative hoping the Dems win the House and that Delusional Don realizes the errors of his ways and begins to be a president. Ends the ridiculous rhetoric and focuses on uniting the country, focusing on improving health care, ending the trade war and tariffs, focusing on real trade deals, improving relations with allies, becoming more positive and optimistic, working to make govt more efficient, tackling the debt and deficit, looking at Simpson Bowles and true tax reform, focusing on true natl security threats not caravans, work on true immigration reform and welcoming people with our values. I greatly fear he will double down and just blame Dems for his failings and continue his victim loser strategy. If he would do the first part I could actually support him if he doubles down I will support another candidate in 2020 and encourage others as well.