‘Brett’s Guy’: Text Messages, Wedding Photo Cast Doubt On Kavanaugh Account Of Ramirez Allegations
Another day, another Brett Kavanaugh bombshell.
On Monday, America learned the details surrounding a 1985 incident at a New Haven dive bar where, according to the account of Chad Ludington, a Yale classmate of Kavanaugh, Trump's Supreme Court nominee instigated a "bloody", beer-slinging brawl after mistaking some random patron for the lead singer of an English reggae band.
A police report seen (and published) by the New York Times indicates former NBA center (and staunch Kavanaugh supporter
For a comprehensive list of Kavanaugh’s lies, see this:
Kavanaugh: 31 Lies and Counting
I saw that earlier this morning and have already sent a copy to trump at the WH along with a couple of comments. 🖕 I am sure that none of the crap I send to him gets past the guard rats but I like sending it.
I send Cruz hate mail all the time, especially complimentary articles and photos of Beto. I get his stupid bragging lying newsletters constantly and I ALWAYS respond to correct the lies he writes in them … sent him a note yesterday because I am sick of seeing his ugly mug in tv ads so many times a day now – serious desperation I told him. Sent him a picture of a jackass the other day. He may not see any of it but I bet his staff has fun reading some of my “work”.
Yep, I sign everything. 😘