Dear Brett Kavanaugh: Do You Remember Deborah Ramirez?

Meet Deborah Ramirez or, as she's probably known to Senate Republicans, "Oh no!" As you're undoubtedly aware, The Senate Judiciary Committee is in the middle of an all-hands-on-deck push to dispatch with allegations leveled by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, who accused Donald Trump's SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her decades ago while the two were in high school. Kavanaugh vigorously denies the allegations. His alleged co-conspirator in the assault, one Mark Judge, isn't

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4 thoughts on “Dear Brett Kavanaugh: Do You Remember Deborah Ramirez?

  1. The news from Micheal Avenatti comes with an affidavit whereby his client is an eyewitness to Kavanaugh participating in what amounts to being an aider and abetter to Rape in the First Degree in Maryland. I have not been following the legal blogs so this may be old news, but there is no statute of limitations in Maryland for that crime.

    If you need a really good example to persuade your brain, try this one from attorney William R. Hall: This was posted December 2013 about a “A 64-year-old [MD] Essex man [who] was recently charged with raping an individual 30 years ago man charged with a rape.”

    Turns out Hall’s math was off a bit, as the rape was committed 34 years earlier in 1979, when the defendant was 30.

    The county where the alleged gang rapes occurred is Montgomery County where State Attorney, John McCarthy (Democrat) has reigned supreme for more than a decade.

    It’s now his duty to investigate credible sworn statements setting forth a prima facie case of rape.

    We’ll see.