‘Is The Ice Age Over?’: Albert Edwards Ponders The End Of His Most Famous Investment Thesis

Listen, SocGen's Albert Edwards "wasn't going to write this week", but the bond market forced his pen, dammit. As you're probably aware, yields are on the rise and there's talk that the reflation narrative is alive again. After a moribund quarter, 10Y yields have moved sharply higher against a backdrop of stretched short positioning (so much for that short squeeze) and that's got Albert's interest piqued. (Bloomberg) Edwards begins by citing himself. Specifically, he starts his Thursday mis

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3 thoughts on “‘Is The Ice Age Over?’: Albert Edwards Ponders The End Of His Most Famous Investment Thesis

  1. I’m waiting for the 2nd week of October…if rates keep going up and company buybacks are blacked out…could be an exciting thing to watch. SVXY did a reverse split…could maybe buy some puts and make good money at that time 🙂