Will Someone Get Larry Kudlow On TV So He Can Explain This Ballooning Deficit?!

Someone get Larry Kudlow on the phone, because math just called his bluff. Back on June 29, Larry told Fox News the following about the deficit: The deficit is coming down and it’s coming down rapidly. In case you're the type who enjoys actually seeing someone lie to America on national television (as opposed to just reading the transcript of those lies), here is the moment when Larry gargled those words while sitting alongside CNBC anchor-turned Trump sycophant Maria Bartirom

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3 thoughts on “Will Someone Get Larry Kudlow On TV So He Can Explain This Ballooning Deficit?!

  1. Where are all of the deficit hawks in Congress?Their vocal objections during the Obama years have fallen silent during the Trump splurge. The Republican party has been replaced with a zombie simulacrum.