Author Of Study Trump Cited In Google Attack Says Trump Is Wrong In Op-Ed

Obviously, the President is in trouble on the legal front. In the short space of a week, Michael Cohen pleaded guilty and implicated his former boss in open court, Paul Manafort was convicted and now faces a second trial and Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg was granted immunity by federal prosecutors. Don McGahn, who sat for more than 30 hours worth of interviews with Robert Mueller, is set to depart within months and Deputy White House counsel, Stefan Passantino, who overs

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2 thoughts on “Author Of Study Trump Cited In Google Attack Says Trump Is Wrong In Op-Ed

  1. Hi H,
    Here are the latest Gallup survey results from August of how folks identify themselves as to party affiliation: Republican = 28%, Independents – 43%, Independents = 27%.
    Given these numbers it is no surprise that liberal leaning news outlets receive more hits than conservative. Much ballyhoo about nothing except perhaps diverting our attention once again.

  2. The problem is this president (gag) is an ignorant pig. Can’t we just see him henpecking thru Google and blaming them because he is a clueless idiot? So I Googled to see responses to Sweaty Trump – that offered
    trump rubio – trump vs rubio – trump water grab – trump mineral water – rubio moment – trumps lips sweating – rubio gaffe – trump bloopers – and more; a walk thru memories, mostly laughable! And some of the ‘images’ from Sweaty Trump search were really great! I guess that really depends on who is looking at them, right?

    So, next I Googled search engines and was surprised at the list offered from Google. Best thing for him to do is just use another one. He didn’t like the one he tried and there are other brands available. My personal favorite is Peter Pan.