One Bank’s Warning: ‘The Left-Tail Story Has Become More Socialized’

Listen, I don't know if you know this or not, but not everyone is convinced that Donald Trump knows what the fuck he's doing when it comes to managing the economy. To be clear, I have absolutely no idea why anyone would doubt him on that. I mean after all, he said he was going to run the country like one of his businesses or maybe like his personal finances and we all know how successful he's been in that regard. I'm just kidding about the "successful" bit. Donald Trump is a failed businessma

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2 thoughts on “One Bank’s Warning: ‘The Left-Tail Story Has Become More Socialized’

  1. Even if EVERY company gave a $1000 windfall payment to ALL its workers… That would barely be a dent in the debts out there. You want economic stimulus… congress should have tied the tax cut to at a minimum a 5% pay bump for employees making under $100k and demanding all companies provide income adjustments for inflation outside of normal raises and promotions for those same employees.

    1. When bragging about that bs tax cut or tax reform (depending upon who you are listening to), which one of the morons in/near the WH made the ridiculous comment about that $1000 that people could expect and they could then go buy a new car?