Farmer Trump Celebrates National Agriculture Day, Says Farmers ‘Tamed The Continent’

Apparently, it's "National Agriculture Day", and when it comes to people who know all about what it's like to work from sunup to sundown doing hard manual, farm labor, you'd be hard-pressed to find someone more experienced than former reality TV show host and current historical accident, Donald Trump. Farmer Dennison took a few minutes away from obstructing justice on Tuesday to recognize the nation's farmers on Twitter and here's what he came up with:

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10 thoughts on “Farmer Trump Celebrates National Agriculture Day, Says Farmers ‘Tamed The Continent’

  1. A new take on the old parable. Give a man some corn and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to farm and he will take your farm and slaughter your family.

  2. The narrative you spin up top about the Native American population seeding their own fate by assisting early European settlers in America with agricultural techniques seems to directly conflict with Jared Diamond’s Pulitzer Prize winning book – Guns, Germs, And Steel – detailing “…why peoples of certain continents succeeded in invading other continents and conquering or displacing their peoples.”

    Diamond argues that European settlers had an immunological, technological, agricultural and socio-structural advantage over their North American counterparts – most of which stems from the geographical advantage of the European culture having developed on the Eurasian super-continent where exposure to varied cultures and peoples from China to the UK (i.e. China could have done just as well in the 17th thru 20th centuries as Western Europe had a few idiosyncrasies of their culture not stifled them) provided hormetic strengthening over centuries of repeated exposure.

    The pack, slaughter and feed animals (cows, sheep, pigs, horses, chickens, etc.) and steel and germs the Europeans brought with them would have all but ensured their conquering of the continent, even if their crop techniques and crop selection were crude at first. So taken as a whole, the Europeans brought FAR SUPERIOR agricultural technology with them to North America, a point which is not seriously debatable, it is an established fact.

    In other words, you have no idea what you’re talking about.

    1. lol. oh really? My father taught Guns, Germs, & Steel at the university level for years.

      how about them apples, homie?

      1. also, it’s “ceding”.. not “seeding.”

        and now I’m going to put your dumb ass on Twitter.

        1. Seeding. As in planting the seeds of their own fate. As in you reap what you sow. As in sowing the seeds of your own destruction. You know, an allusion to your own freaking article.

          Not cede as in I cede my power to you.

          Jesus, if you’re going to mock someone take the time to carefully read their statement. Enjoy Twitter, bro.

          1. LOL.

            yeah, you know you fucked it up homie.

            and the best thing is, you have no way to delete it.

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