Sarah Huckabee Sanders: The White House May Be In ‘Chaos’, But America Loves It
Listen, you might be inclined to call what's going on with the Trump administration "chaotic."
And you'd be forgiven for that characterization. After all, Hope Hicks is gone, McMaster is said to be leaving (although that's now being denied), John Kelly said "God is punishing" him by making him be Chief of Staff, Donald Trump has started a trade war that's weighing heavily on stocks at the worst possible time, Wilbur Ross is talking about building gas stations on the moon, Ben Carson is buying $
Actually I am kind of enjoying the spectacle of Trump’s descent into madness as he watches his world crumble before him due to stupidity, corruption and hubris. Hopefully America will emerge from this train wreck a little bit wiser.
Gleefully watching a train wreck happen is a problem when you’re also on the train.
Last I checked, Trump’s damage wasn’t limited solely to within his own borders.