Good News! VIX ETP Rebalance Risk Really Isn’t A Problem Anymore!

So, it turns out that whole VIX ETP rebalance risk was a real thing. And you know what? The funniest thing about what happened on Monday is definitely not that a bunch of former (and likely future) big box managers got wiped the fuck out leading to what I imagine were some rather awkward moments at dinner tables around the country, but rather the deafening silence from popular Finance Twitter folk who for the past year,  have generally dismissed the whole VIX ETP problem as something that was

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4 thoughts on “Good News! VIX ETP Rebalance Risk Really Isn’t A Problem Anymore!

    1. well, it’s like you say on your site: “I love to write about money, but also how it affects me personally.”

      well this affects me personally. by making me laugh at legions of morons.