Schumer Calls Trump Lump Of ‘Jell-O’, White House Says Trump Is ‘Real-Life Superman’

If we've learned anything from the government shutdown, it's that Donald Trump is not in fact the legendary "dealmaker" he boasted about on the campaign trail. In fact, the last 12 months have proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Donald Trump couldn't "negotiate" his way out of a wet paper bag. Everyone who knows the history of Trump the businessman could have told you that going in. His business "career" is a standing joke. 98% myth, 1% exaggeration, and (maybe) 1% reality. Almost nothing h

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One thought on “Schumer Calls Trump Lump Of ‘Jell-O’, White House Says Trump Is ‘Real-Life Superman’

  1. “Believe me, trust me, and take it from me,” a guy who knows negotiations.

    Donald Trump doesn’t know the art of negotiations or how to conduct negotiations. What he may know to do is dictate terms to a weak adverse party, or to cheat and lie to an adverse party that he dupes, or perhaps Donald may tell Barron he did really really well by duping, cheating and or lying but in fact the adverse party got the better of Donald.

    Failing to pay someone that Donald had a contract with and then forcing them to sue Donald to recover and then settling for 40% on the dollar is not negotiating. It’s a bullying tactic, which doesn’t render Donald a good negotiator. It renders him what we all know him to be:

    A scumbag. A thug. A guy who I bet 100 to 1, studied the montreal assessment test* for days or weeks, before he suggested to Dr. Ronny, (you know? the one he had seen every day of the year up to that point) that he give the Prez that test so he would pass it with flying colors. Yeah, the Honorable Donald! But, Ronny, an ER doc and Internist, and not a psychiatrist, should listen to people who know, like Drs. Bandy X. Lee and Norman Eisen, a forensic psychiatrist and a government ethicist, who state that Ronny gave his patient only a brief screen,

    “used to determine whether additional testing is needed for cognitive or Alzheimer’s issues. Here, there are already ample indicators that additional testing is indicated, and the results prove little more than the limitations of a single simple screen. Better tests for intricate frontal lobe function include the California Verbal Learning Test, the Stroop Test, the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test and others. An MRI or PET scan would also have been helpful. And this is just on the neurological side. It does not even touch the psychological side, where urgent concerns also lie and an assessment should have been done starting with a full history and standardized battery of testing. Experts have, furthermore, been calling for a capacity evaluation to determine Trump’s ability to function in his position, regardless of diagnosis.”**

    Well, now, like I’ve been saying: Donald is as crazy as a cockroach and the idea that he can negotiate the term of a deal that’s under consideration is as hilarious as it is tragic. It is why he always, always, always, tells congress to do the work and bring it to him for him to sign. He doesn’t want to talk about details because he cannot talk about them even if he tried his very very best.

    Senator Schumer, Donald’s brain is Jell-O, that’s why it’s like talking to Jello-O.


