Mick Mulvaney Never Knew How ‘Cool’ His Job Was Until He Found Out He’s In Charge Of Government Shutdowns

Listen, just because the outcome of a given action is bound to be bad, doesn't mean it's not fun to be the guy who literally gets to bring that outcome to bear. Take nuclear war, for example. Yes, nuking a country would instantaneously vaporize hundreds of thousands of people and reduce anything in the blast radius to smoldering ash, but that doesn't make it any less fun to push that nuclear desk "button". Given that, you'll understand why Office of Management and Budget director Mick Mulvan

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3 thoughts on “Mick Mulvaney Never Knew How ‘Cool’ His Job Was Until He Found Out He’s In Charge Of Government Shutdowns

      1. Well, first he would have to admit to himself they were smarter than him AND if he could even do that (doubtful) he would avoid them like the plague so they could not expose him for the reeking pile of dung that he really is.

        I mean, seriously, who among us would have seen John Kelly and Rex Tillerson as fools? When they showed signs soon after they moved in, I thought, Ok, they are strong and smart and are taking the punches in order to keep the Moron caged … I no longer believe they are protecting anyone but him.

        Even that damned doctor the other day – for crying out loud, how many lies did he tell?!? He has served as White House physician during the past three administrations and was the appointed physician to the president for President Barack Obama. He currently serves as the appointed physician to the president for President Donald J. Trump. Here is a really short bio about him: http://www.navy.mil/navydata/bios/bio.asp?bioID=953