Meanwhile, In Venezuela: The Price Of A Cup Of Coffee Is Rising At An Annualized 448,025%

Listen, things are going great in Venezuela, ok? Sure, you'll hear a lot of hyperinflationary horror stories and you'll see all manner of pictures and videos that suggest the situation is completely out of control. And yes, Nicolás Maduro did appoint a literal cocaine kingpin to oversee a bungled effort to "restructure" the country's crippling debt load.   And sure, all kinds of international media outlets have suggested that the citizenry is increasingly turning to cryptocurrency m

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6 thoughts on “Meanwhile, In Venezuela: The Price Of A Cup Of Coffee Is Rising At An Annualized 448,025%

  1. The choices are getting worse, worser, worstest. Keep printing sacrifice the dollar create massive inflation, normalize and balance the budget then start paying it all back (yea, right), let bond rates rise and take the markets off a cliff. What do you think the Fed will do? Oh yea the presses are still warm from yesterday.