Trump Took A Field Trip To A Florida Firehouse – And Then It All Went Wrong
On Wednesday, Donald Trump showed up at a West Palm Beach fire department for some reason and said all manner of ridiculous things that had absolutely nothing to do with first responders and/or fighting fires.
I wish there was a more eloquent way to put that, but there isn't. That's the long and the short of it.
He also inexplicably suggested that firemen should get "the best military equipment."
Apparently he's taking that old adage about how it's best to "fight fire with fire" lite
It’s all an act, just pretend stuff. He is a complete lunatic. It is unconscionable that he still sits in the WH!
For those of you like film noir and would like to see what Fred Trump might have seen in his disturbed thirteen year old that motivated sending Donald forthwith to military school, watch this movie: The Bad Seed.
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Bad-Seed-Nancy-Kelly/dp/B001TGXNXU
Netflix: https://dvd.netflix.com/Movie/The-Bad-Seed/60011017
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/the-bad-seed-1956/id295946242?ign-mpt=uo%3D5
123hulu: http://123hulu.com/watch/0v8zDJGw-the-bad-seed-1956.html
Why? Because he can.
the more of this behavior that is exposed, the more the people are laughing him – he is a moron.
Just a matter of time…tic toc tic toc
I take it the “Why” is a rhetorical question. Because most of us, if not all of us, know the myriad of reasons why Trump lies like no other president before him, or like no other comparable public figure before him. That is, he’s pathological, deranged and ill. However, I understood the question to be directed to the issue of his “motivation.” What’s his purpose? What did he seek to achieve by lying in the fashion he did on this occasion given that within a blink of an eye he’d be caught once again as lying about something that demeans him.
In psychological terms his behavior can be explained by what Bandy X. Lee of Yale University** describes as Trump’s “extreme present hedonistic behavior,” whereby he lives in the moment without considering future consequences (lying without fear of being caught), seeking only to bolster his very low self-esteem no matter the risk. When seen together with his extreme case of “narcissistic personality disorder,” via which he believes himself to be better than all others, he is moved to greatly exaggerate his achievements (the number of bills signed), thereby expecting constant praise (in this case great praise from the firemen).
In Brooklyn terms he’d be called a lying scumbag.
In normal times, a guy like Trump would be found in a mental institution barking at other patients that he’s President of the United States. In 2016 a minority of Americans elected such guy to be President.
Hey Marty, ironic that the book about how nutzo he is – your link to AMAZON!
Just cannot make this stuff up! Heisenberg’s column posted today:
The Amazon tale is one of another species! Trump is one of a kind as his envy knows no bounds. Jeff Bezos is the real thing: A self-made billionaire who used his own creative genius to make one of America’s great businesses and fortunes without a single bankruptcy or having fraud at its center. Everything that Trump could never do.
One thing I agree with Trump on, is that “Jeff Bezos is engaged in a conspiracy to undermine the presidency via the Washington Post.” Except the conspiracy is legal, the facts WAPO is using are handed to it by Trump and his goons, and to the extent that it undermines Trump’s dicatorship that would be a good deed!!!
The sooner Trump-Pence-Ryan-McConnell are airlifted out of D.C. back to the shitholes they belong in, the safer the universe will be.