Ethereum Co-Founder Vitalik Buterin Has Twitter Meltdown, Is Tired Of Hearing About ‘Lambos’

Earlier this month, Litecoin founder Charlie Lee sold (or donated) all of his Litecoin. And the thing you have to understand about Charlie's decision is that it had nothing to do with this chart which shows that Litecoin's recent gains have outpaced those logged by Bitcoin and Ethereum: No, Charlie wasn't cashing out at the top. He was just freeing himself up to tweet about Litecoin with a clear conscience - that according to a statement he posted on Reddit. Of course you'd be forgiven for

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2 thoughts on “Ethereum Co-Founder Vitalik Buterin Has Twitter Meltdown, Is Tired Of Hearing About ‘Lambos’

    1. Frank, you’re a guy who leaves a lot of constructive comments and occasionally decides to tempt fate with this kind of thing.

      i don’t know why you do it, considering there’s no utility in it and it doesn’t add anything to the discussion.

      this is like going into a restaurant, flipping over a table, shouting an obscenity at the bartender, and then proudly saying “police getting called is expected and invited!”

      in that scenario, what do you imagine everyone else in the restaurant is thinking?

      they’re thinking: this guy is a fucking moron.