Epsilon Theory’s Latest: The Three-Body Problem

The following is brand new by Ben Hunt, as published over at the excellent Epsilon Theory.   You can also follow Ben on Twitter here As much as I dislike the chickens on our farm, I love my bees. Do they sting? Of course they sting. The swarm is a wild animal. But after a few painful years I’m no longer a ham-handed goofball with my hives, and a morning spent in sync with this amazing animal is never a bad morning. Not only are bees low maintenance, not only do they pay a wonderful ren

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3 thoughts on “Epsilon Theory’s Latest: The Three-Body Problem

  1. This man is a fantastic writer. E. O. Wilson goes into financial zoology!

    I am going to read this several more times it’s that fucking good. I would like to say that I immediately grocked it but I didn’t. Thank you for hosting it, Heisenberg.

  2. Great article. Explains nicely the failure of value investing over the last decade or so. Regarding suggestion four, the need to try to understand the system, I can’t recommend enough John Early’s book Put Money in your Pocket, which should be entitled A RATIONAL, HISTORICALLY SUPPORTED NATIONAL TAX POLICY. The book addresses lead times in taxation changes and resulting actual changes in GDP growth rates, employment and investment practices (typically two to seven years). I’m a cheapskate but have dedicated $1000 to buy copies to send to politicians I think might actually read and understand his arguments.