Trump Says NBC Executives Should Be Fired, Retweets Anti-Muslim Videos In Latest String Of Absurdity

Well, Donald Trump is demonstrating a bit of selective hearing on Wednesday, because in the wake of Matt Lauer's rather unceremonious ouster from NBC, the President is going to go ahead and pretend like nothing of the "inappropriate" nature has ever happened at Fox News. Or at least that's the implication, because just two days after explicitly saying that Fox should be left out of the running for the "fake news trophy", he's using the Lauer debacle as an excuse to call for the firing of Comc

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2 thoughts on “Trump Says NBC Executives Should Be Fired, Retweets Anti-Muslim Videos In Latest String Of Absurdity

  1. I wonder if his supporters even realize that they have given up all rights to future arguments against any politician regarding morality. I’m sure they don’t, but one day they will so tire of hearing Trump’s name thrown back at them that there will be many articles written about it. And that goes for his “reluctant” supporters, too (I’m looking at you, every single silent GOP’er).

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