Trump ‘Graciously’ Accepts ‘Thank You’ From UCLA Students, Demands They Thank Chinese Dictator Too
Look, here's the thing, UCLA freshmen LiAngelo Ball (of Ball family fame), Cody Riley and Jalen Hill had about 90 minutes of "free time" to "explore" Hangzhou and/or relax last week while in China for a tournament.
Unfortunately, they didn't hear "explore and/or relax." Rather, they heard "steal sunglasses from a Louis Vuitton store next to the hotel." So that's what they did. And then they were arrested.
If you are a foreigner, there are worse places in the world to get arrested than China.
H – thank you!! You hit every bell I wanted to ring and you did it perfectly! My rant was filled with expletives towards the students and towards assface! haha!
Who demands a thank you? an apology, yes…but not a thank you! only assface. And to tell them to thank the dictator. omg. The apologies they read without any emotion, even faked emotion, were certainly not their own compositions. The entire episode beginning with the stealing of sunglasses so they could look cool was horrible. Trump’s comments including his advice about life was laughable and thank you for connecting it to his fake university, not to mention his entire life of stealing/cheating others! Sanctimonious bastard.
The only disappointment I have after the dust settled is their suspension for an undetermined (unannounced) period of time. They should have been permanently removed from the team.
This episode just proves again that Trump is Hitler, and that he colluded with the Russians to steal the election. It also reinforces the point that he accuses others of fake news, when he himself is the master.
See, now just watch. I’ll bet we don’t see any kudos here to DT for his yuge tax plan win in Congress today. Pretty clear that was a done deal as of yesterday given the patently obvious front running that took place in the final minutes yesterday and overnight – even I couldn’t resist partaking it was such a shoe-in as to TAPR and the Q’s and almost anything in between. If you’re wondering, just pull up a 2 minute chart from yesterday and look at the yuge up volumes in the final 6-8 minutes of trading.
Profits taken off the table immediately in a deferred account of course. I’m guessing that little clown show made the Team a cool mid-nine figures today. My guess is the Team’s trading plan for the next week or so is to create another brouhaha of some kind, get everyone off-sides again assuming no tax bill, and then bring it in for an unexpected win.
As to the UCLA students, I can attest I’ve met few UCLA grads who were not criminals at heart, if not in deed – so I’m sure DT bonded with them – virtually.