‘The Fix Was In’: Bernie Sanders Didn’t Sign Up To Be In An Episode Of The Sopranos
Hillary Clinton, one of the most powerful political operatives on planet Earth, was in on some shady political shit to give her the upper hand in a Democratic primary.
No, but seriously. As you're undoubtedly aware, former DNC interim chair Donna Brazile has written a book and a recently-released excerpt from that book details how Hillary Clinton essentially took over the party via, among other things, a more favorable fundraising agreement than that offered to Bernie Sanders.
Does anyone think that DNC interim chair Donna Brazile would be penning a book and telling all if Hillary won the election and Trump was back to defrauding America from his golden throne at Trump Tower?
Oh, no, I’m shocked and surprised, politics is corrupt!! I can hardly believe it!! So shocked that it took forever to say something about it. it’s like she just fell off a turnip truck and came to this politics stuff like babe in the woods. the fact that Brazile worked on several presidential campaigns for Democratic candidates, to Jesse Jackson in 1984, Walter Mondale-Ferraro ’84, and Gephardt in the ’88 Democratic primary, would give her
no sense of that corruption, am I right?
And to say it right in the middle of the Republicans having the best time of their political lives, right?! I mean, ain’t this the best shape they have ever been in? So, throwing a hand grenade at the Democrats is no biggie considering that they are in a collective coma.
And who would have thought or expected that the DNC would have agreed to hand over the playing field to Clinton as opposed to Bernie? Anybody? Let’s flip the question? Who would have thought or expected that the DNC would not have agreed to hand over the playing field to Clinton as opposed to Bernie?
Regardless of whether Bernie could have beaten Trump, and I think he would have beaten Trump, the fix was in for Hillary no matter. Between the superdelegates set-up and his slow start out of the box (his never having imagined he would have caught on fire as he did), the cards were not to be dealt his way.
Politics ain’t fair. It’s war. Because it’s all about money and power. It’s a damn shame too, because on his worst day as President, Bernie would have made a better President than Trump on the two best days of his life, which would be his resignation from office and his conviction for treason and other serious felonies.
Here’s the polling data I have taken from my circle of good friends, just people I know, and strangers participating in group conversations.
3 people voted for trump and 2 now regret it; 1 has changed our relationship from friend to enemy after his ridiculous defense of Fox and hate of CNN and it got really ugly. oh well. Almost every one else voted for Hillary. But there were a handful that did vote for Bernie. After all was said and done, still only 3 admitted to voting for trump…and he won…go figure.
The discussions to vote for Bernie or Hillary were interesting, after which most agreed to vote for Hillary because even though they preferred Bernie, they really did not believe he could win and then saw the light of wasting their vote (helping trump!) so they also held their nose and voted for Hillary.
The overall consensus on Bernie was (in no particular order):
*Bernie was too old or at least looked too old
*Bernie was actually a rich man who pretended not to be; some said it was all a lie to deceive us for a vote
*Bernie owned more than one expensive home and many were not aware and felt deceived; were there 3?
*There was much concern about who he might select as a VP and no one had any ideas who it could be
*Bernie did not “look” presidential
*Bernie’s wife ran a small college in Vermont that had failed…??
*Most had never heard of him before this election campaign
*His political experience was with only a small state
*Someone pointed out that Bernie had been elected as Mayor of some town in Vermont
*Someone said the Mayor job was no big deal and in fact, Jerry Springer had also been elected Mayor
*Bernie ran as Democrat but no one knew of any Democrats that were supporting him over Hillary
*Someone said that Bernie had a good career in politics and had been re-elected by large % a few times
*Someone else wanted to know more about that but the person had no more to offer, read it somewhere
Even keeping in mind that his career was East Coast areas and my friends are I are in Texas so most of us did not have that much knowledge about the guy that we all pretty much agreed he seemed to be so likeable but it was risky to vote for him and have trump win this thing. I still don’t think Bernie would have won the election then, however I think it would be somewhat possible for him to win now that trump has shown us all what kind of president he is! It would all come down to who would be Bernie’s opponents.
So…you would rather have a Clinton as President??? We really don’t need your pathetic rehash of Bernie..as if someone worse than Hillary make her look more credible.
Try people outside your dive bar friends..Trump was the least disgusting choice…Whose fault is that???
Pinelli the Pig. Between Hillary and Trump – no contest. Hahahaha asshole. I don’t drink and I have not even had a glass of wine with a fancy dinner in over 40 years.
I am glad you got the president you wanted. Maybe you can arrange a convenient day for routine visits when he goes to jail and you can tell him how proud you are of him.
Fuck off.
Greg – you are absolutely right. Rather than laughing at his outrageous behavior in the primary, GOP stalwarts should have done everything in their power to abort that side show before it metastasized. Once the damage was done, though, and if you were in a state where it mattered, as a Republican or conservative you had no choice. It came down to a situation where you knew just about everything Clinton campaigned on would come true in one form/degree or another and absolutely nothing of the ridiculous Trump platform would come true. I was spared the dilemma, residing in a state where Trump had no chance and, not being a political stalwart, I just voted for the Libertarian.
‘absolutely nothing of the ridiculous Trump platform would come true’
I’m no fan of the GOP but you sure know how to cut to the quick.
What a water boy you truly are.
Even Obama didn’t carry Texas, he was at least like-able. The last time a democrat (for president) carried the state of Texas was what, 1976/Carter?
If you expect your poll to carry any weight with anyone that knows anything about Texas beyond how to spell it your freaking delusional.
All your really doing is showing how unreliable your posts are and confirming your status as a butt hurt Shillary water boy.
It appears you are talking to me. I don’t vote for the Party. I voted for Obama too. I did not vote for Carter. I did not have much of a choice for 2016. I hate trump and everything he stands for, his ignorance, his playground bully behavior, especially hate his lying mouth. I think the man is insane for lack of a better diagnosis and I sure as hell do not want to put a person who is insane in the WH. I knew it was probably hopeless but I would never vote for him, never. Like I have said, I held my nose and voted for Hillary. I know millions of Texans did the same thing. I am definitely not delusional. Water boy? Now that is truly funny! hahaha!
If you expect your comment “If you expect your poll to carry any weight with anyone that knows anything about Texas beyond how to spell it your freaking delusional.” to carry any weight with anyone that knows anything about anything, beyond how to spell ‘your’, you’re freaking delusional.
What Trump & HRC seem to share is a total contempt for American voters – what kind of weird Stockholm syndrome is it when voters embrace the criminals who try to fleece them. Seems to me there are 2 groups who can hold the kind of views expressed by people like Frank & Greg;
* Accomplices
* Those who just don’t get it yet
Reader Murhpy, you could use a new group of friends. Especially if they think that a guy with 3 houses is too wealthy to be POTUS.
No, that was not the complaint – several people mentioned that he sold himself as closer to middle class and had two houses and kept the 3rd a secret – at least that was the overall opinion. Half the group of folks have their year round home and also have a beach home – so 2 houses was not the issue — it was that they felt deceived and that turned them off completely.
I personally liked him the best of the 3 choices we had but I could see he was not going to come out on top of either of the other two candidates.