‘This Is Characteristic Of An Authoritarian Regime’: Trump’s Calls For DoJ Investigations Draw Sharp Rebuke
On Friday, Donald Trump decided it was a good idea to suggest repeatedly that the Justice Department and the FBI investigate his political opponents.
To be sure, this isn't surprising. Trump has done this before and this time around, he's being encouraged not just by the usual suspects at Fox News and Breitbart, but by the likes of previously reputable outlets like the Wall Street Journal, where the editorial page has published a series of increasingly outrageous posts about Robert Mueller, s
I am speechless…..have no words left….for that embarrassing blob of orange protoplasm sitting in the oval office. No shame, no honor no personal dignity….and really the failure of our educational system which spawned the 49 million brains that cast votes for him.
I’m guessing a good portion of those 49MM brains are polluted with opioids.
Most polls showed that the one consistent characteristic of Trump voters – was a lack of education. Even the best education system can’t provide knowledge to those that either don’t see the need for it, or are to involved with social media/Twitter to pay attention.
Dugger, you remember he stood at his podium in one of his rallies, grinned that stupid grin, looked them square in their faces and told everyone that he loved the uneducated…and they cheered him.
…Which they purchase using government aid or obtain via their very affordable healthcare policies