Roasted Turkey: Of Gold Traders, Runaway Inflation And Angry Autocrats Named Erdogan
This is likely something that flew under your radar today, but Turkey has got a serious problem (or three).
For one thing, headline inflation in October just printed the highest since October 2008 while core CPI jumped to 11.82% y/y, the highest since January of 2004.
Obviously, that presents all kinds of problems for the CBT. “The central bank policies are highly inadequate to say the least,” TD's head of EM research remarked on Friday, adding that "this will cost them sorely in
And by terrorists he obviously means the Kurds. The Kurds have easily been the US’s best ally in that shithole and are probably going to get the short end of the stick. Again.
If the Kurds best ally,why did america left alone Barzani ,and let iran occupy Kurdistan ?