Krugman Rips Trump, John Kelly, John Taylor: ‘See? I Made A Joke!’

For days, we've documented the truly absurd saga of Donald Trump, John Kelly, and a grieving military widow. Here's our summary which would be fall-in-the-floor funny if it weren't simultaneously sad: Last Monday Trump managed to turn a press conference on tax reform into a referendum on which Presidents cared the most about dead soldiers. That, in and of itself, was a truly incredible feat. That pivot (from tax reform to dead soldier pissing contest) is not only difficult to make, it’s damn n

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3 thoughts on “Krugman Rips Trump, John Kelly, John Taylor: ‘See? I Made A Joke!’

  1. What a pathetic excuse of a human being this toad is. If this guy ever had to work at a real job instead of being a parasite, he would starve to death. Which would be a god send to the rest of us.

  2. I’ve run into many people, mostly with a lengthy military stint on their resumes that believe that admitting you are wrong is a sign of weakness and that your enemies will use that weakness against you. There may some specific instances where this reasoning works out in reality, but it certainly is not universal solution to being seen as “weak.”

    The logical extension of never admitting that you are wrong – is also an unspoken, but clear admission of your own concern (psychology) that you are adequately capable and or strong enough of surviving your enemies use of your errors against you. Logic that Trump fails to see daily. Failing to admit your errors – therefore becomes in and of itself an admission of untold numbers of errors. It is also an admission that you believe your enemy is incapable of observing and or determining your obvious errors without your admission – and using them against you anyway. Which brings into the military strategy of never admitting your errors – because another one of those primary military rules is to “never underestimate the capabilities of your enemy.”

    This seems to be the case with Trump – who not having any military experience and or any real boot strapping experience in business world (a hazard of being born wealthy and working in your father’s company) and therefore relies on his unquestioned “expertise” of others to shape his life strategies.

    Trump’s errors are just as numerous and obvious – if not more so – than his dubious ability to achieve successes through this additional example (never or rarely admitting an error) of his lack of consistent critical thinking analyses. Additionally, his obvious past errors, his denial and or lack of admission of them even when video recorded and verified by numerous witnesses – reduces his humanity and any chance of empathy from the reasonably balanced and intelligent. As so many have observed – Trump truly deserves at least one popular acclaim for his greatest success – making being a “monumental ass” into an art form.