What’s In A Label?
It's actually a shame that the label "alt-Right" has been tossed about so haphazardly since Charlottesville, because by becoming ubiquitous, it's lost its specificity. That specificity allowed it to be applied to a relatively narrow group of media outlets and blogs. It wasn't always the nebulous catch-all that now includes the KKK and neo-Nazis. I mean sure, neo-Nazis are kind of "alt-Right" by definition, but you really don't need to attach another label to "neo-Nazis" - just calling them "Naz
Agreed. H, I would suggest that the “Black Lives Matter” group re-brand themselves, a sequel of sorts. I give you “Black Lives Matter Too” which would immediately disarm the totally absurd message thrown around by Fox and other great thinkers that all lives matters. Well shit yea, but that is not BLM’s message. Also, I just read a great article by James Wolcott in “Vanity Fair” about life after Trump and the de-Nazification of America. I assume you have your fingers on the pulse of the nation but on the oft chance you missed it, you can read it here:
Almost forgot. There is a great photo of Trump in tennis shorts with a rather prominent ass (read “a very big ass”) that I’ve seen on “Last Week Tonight.” I would like to get copyright approval to use this photo, setup a “Go Fund It” page, and create billboards across the nation, especially in red states, with the caption “WHAT AN ASS.” I, with my meager net worth, would be happy to throw $10 at such a worthy (dubious) cause. Any thoughts on feasibility, legalities. etc.?
count me in for $20
I’ve seen this photo many times in many places; someone even doctored it up and put him in polka dot underwear seen thru his white tennis shorts! That one is the best one. Maybe since the picture has been so many places and so many times, it is already “public”? I’ll see your $10 and raise you $10! LOL!
You can’t de-nazifi something that was never nazified to begin with. The closest I’ve seen to being Nazi in this country recently is the armored..black shirted and armed antifa thugs.
Disciplined..looking to raise hell..and viscous
huh? …thick
Greg, I get where you’re going with your comments here, but it’s probably a stretch to say the people waving the Nazi flags aren’t actually the Nazis because in your estimation they’re not organized enough to qualify as Nazis and therefore we should project Nazism onto a group of people whose actual name equates to “not-Nazis.”
that’s like: “I know this is actually a cheeseburger and that’s actually a vegan burger, but this vegan burger smells more like meat than the real cheeseburger does, so therefore, this vegan burger is made of cows.”
How about just dropping the name crap altogether?? This site constantly describes Trump and Jong Un as “crazy..” “lunatic”…”demented…”etc etc. How about a little specificity..?? Trump is impulsive..Jong Un plays US Presidents like fiddles..and both talk shit they don’t back up.
By the by..whoever uses the word “Nazi” first loses. I grew up in San Francisco in the ’50s and we lived near a sizable number of Jews with little tattoos on their forearms…it was interesting listening to their experiences with real Nazis…the people I read using the term..many on this site …don’t have a clue. There is a huge difference between a psychopath with a uniform and no boundaries to limit the expression of his hate..and a chump waving a Confederate flag.
As far as NK goes, there are absolutely no military options unless millions of dead South Koreans, Japanese etc., are acceptable to you. Trumps deal making relies on bullying and you can’t bully a god on earth. Perhaps we should consider a peace treaty; it’s only been 60+ years.
Trump is working on your “boundaries.” Of course, I use the terms Nazi and fascist as one in the same, a mistake on my part. Neo-Nazis are Nazis. Does chants of “Jews shall not replace us!” remind you of SF. The KKK are right wing racists hiding under the veil (literally) of religion and countless militias, armed to the teeth, are what? Anti-federalist? But if you do not think that the GOP is a fascist-bent political party then we are not operating from the same playbook.
Don’t forget that trump keeps (or kept) a book about Hitler on his nightstand – could be the only thing this freak ever read! As far as I am concerned an alt-right is the fetus stage of a Nazi.
I agree about the GOP and trump thinks he is America’s first dictator!