Goebbels Is Calling And He Wants To Talk About Record High Stock Prices…
To be sure, the "headlines" from the Saturday edition of the inherently oxymoronic "Presidential Twitter Files" will center around Trump's apparent decision to release secret JFK assassination documents and, to a lesser extent, on his ongoing smear campaign targeting "wacky Wilson." But don't let this one go completely by the wayside:
At this point, there is no doubt that Trump understands the hypocrisy in bragging about the stock market. That is, he has surely been reminded by his advisors t
it would great if that billboard was directly across the street from the WH, trump’s window view
You bet he’s really pleased about $6T in new nominal market cap appreciation. I’m guessing he’s already scalped his 50bps on that pick-up via a front running operation. Not that this is wrong, we’ve all been front running the market for years. For example – Draghi’s “…whatever it takes…” message was an open invitation.
Watch the bond markets over the next couple of weeks (not recommending partaking in it). Imagine how many billions will be made by anyone front running the whipsaws he is going to create with his “thinking” out loud.
Your comments strengthen my impression, TRUMP will assign the new head of the FED, whoever it will be solely on his judgement. He will nominate that person, who in his eyes will help to bring the stock market further up to ….25.000 ? 30.000 ? He will not assign a person assuring tightening. Anyway, what he expects to happen by the time of reelection (not 2020 but 2018 !) of Congress may be just the opposite of what may happen. We only can hope, the majority of acting investors being active or passive, will make their own decisions regardless of this person in “charge” in Oval Office.
LOL! reelection? LOL!! funniest thing all day!