Trump Says FBI Conspired With Russia And Dems To Create Fake Hooker Pee Tape, Begs You To Focus On Uranium

Donald Trump is up early on Thursday and guess what? He's furious. Recall what we said on Wednesday afternoon: It’s like watching a sitcom where there’s a new episode every, single day. And you always get a preview of what today’s plot will be by tuning into his Twitter feed between 6 a.m. and 7:30. He’s like Jack Torrance knocking on your damn bedroom door every morning: "Little pigs, little pigs... let

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9 thoughts on “Trump Says FBI Conspired With Russia And Dems To Create Fake Hooker Pee Tape, Begs You To Focus On Uranium

    1. this notion that Hillary Clinton runs a global crime syndicate via the Clinton Foundation belongs exactly where it gets the most airplay: on Alex Jones’ InfoWars and other outlets like it.

    1. No, that is not common sense!! But it certainly indicates you would be an undesirable prospect for public office. That swamp is already polluted!

      Anyone (including Anonymous posting here too) that continues to believe that Hillary sold Uranium to Russia is out of their minds with ignorance! There is plenty of factual information available on that subject if you would look for it and turn off FOX — and I have trouble believing you are not a fan of Jones.

  1. Just saying “what the fuck?” after every paragraph like a standup comedian, cueing the audience for the laugh, doesn’t diminish the hypocrisy of the whole Republicans are Russians meme.

    The uranium deal is definitive. The actors in this story are known. Several have pleaded guilty to kickbacks and money laundering. The husband of the Secretary of State received 1/2 million dollars for a few speeches, and his foundation received many millions, and the Ruskies got a significant interest in some Uranium mines.

    The Russian election interference story is also real, but nebulous. Many unknown actors did a lot of small things, primarily spreading propaganda. Big deal. Political campaigns are full of propaganda. A few hundred thousand dollars changed hands, buying political ads that probably changed no one’s mind.

    1. LOL!! I really like the wiki chart of uranium rich countries. Russia produces more than double the uranium than the U.S. does but some of “these people” continue to believe that Hillary cleverly sold off tons of U.S. uranium — which once again, the current Clown President wants us to believe it and also not to believe he hired some prostitutes to pee….his poor wife. She should just take her half and leave his fat ass. Does this moron seriously believe that the FBI colluded with Russia to defame him? Better yet, does his wife believe that shit? LOL!!