Dear John Kelly…

I'm sorry, but I just can't take it. I've got to write something else about John Kelly. I feel bad for this man, I really do. Here's a guy who risked his life for his country on more occasions than even he can probably count and on top of that, lost his son in battle. Now, he's been reduced to tap dancing at the behest of an arrogant billionaire who, during the Vietnam War, received four draft deferments for being a college student and later a fifth deferment for bone spurs in his heels. &nb

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5 thoughts on “Dear John Kelly…

  1. Walt, I completely agree and could not possibly say it better than what you wrote today. I watched and heard him speak. I thought he seemed a bit nervous and his words carefully chosen. I respect that Man.

  2. It is Gen. Kelly’s perogative to speak in whatever terms he pleases and to take whatever position he pleases regarding the sacrifice of his son. It would be truly high minded of us to accept his position without commentary, if only out of respect for an American making huge sacrifices

    1. that’s interesting, because as it turns out, at least two high ranking military officers whose own children have deployed and who served with Gen. Kelly were out tonight expressing their respect for Kelly but also suggesting that what he did today was wildly inappropriate. and i’ll post those videos tomorrow

  3. General Kelly’s overall commentary in his speech today could easily apply to trump to pay attention also. I did not take anything Kelly said today as support of trump’s behavior. He chose very carefully what he said and how he phrased it. The only thing I believe Kelly was off key on was a comment about that “the woman was wrong for listening in on the conversation” trump had with the wife. I do not think he knows these people, more than one, were in a vehicle and the wife had trump on a speaker phone. I also am not sure that Kelly is aware this woman basically raised the deceased from 5 yr old when his biological mother died, so she really was his mom and not just someone listening in on a private conversation. So it was appropriate for her to hear what the president was saying about her “son”. Other than that part, what I heard today was well said and could easily apply to trump to clean up his behavior! yeah, sure, fat chance that will ever happen.