Lamar Alexander And Patty Murray Decided To Rescue Country From Health Care Nightmare

On Monday, Trump insisted that cutting off Obamacare subsidies was a strategic move designed to light a fire under the asses of lawmakers who have steadfastly refused to effectively make the same mistake twice by repealing something they didn't read and replacing it with something else they didn't read. Here's what he said (starts at about the 0:40 timestamp): Yes, that is just as silly as it sounds. Which led us to say the following: I mean did you catch that on heal

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5 thoughts on “Lamar Alexander And Patty Murray Decided To Rescue Country From Health Care Nightmare

  1. I read somewhere that cutting subsidies would actually cost the government more since the ACA is still (sorry Donny) the law. The details escape me and on purpose. There is a data overload in my old brain as it is.

  2. Murray and Alexander had that deal before the Block grants debacle in the Senate, they wouldn’t allow it on the floor. Pres. Shitstains cut to the insurers has nothing to do with it

  3. Clearly Donald Trump suffers from an incurable “Obama superiority complex.” It’s his racist white supremacist inheritance gift from his father Fred Trump. As well its hard to argue that it hasn’t been a handy shit magnet to his KKK, neo-nazis and Vlad Putin interests’ supporters.

    No matter how much I despise what passes for Trump the human being, I am not confused or distracted by his failings as a human. We have had real shit heads for President that actually did a reasonable job. I see Trump on a performance basis only. Which means I also see his complete and disastrous failings to become a US President (even though he occupies the White house). With or without Trump and his failings, it doesn’t make the US healthcare system a lesser problem regarding the competitive and economic failings of the current US health care system. It doesn’t solve the extension and amplification of those same competitive and economic failings by the wishfully named Affordable Care Act any less either.

    We have an unaffordable and poor quality health care system ranked 28th among developed nations in health care quality and dead last in cost efficiency over results achieved. It isn’t because of a lack of technology. It is because we have failed to create a competitive environment in the US medical systems holy trinity of hospitals, pharmaceutical and insurance industries. Each of those industries are complicit in increasingly gouging both the US government and the US health consumer over the last three decades. Our political representatives and their lazy, non-critical thinking and consequently uninformed voters that have chosen them – often repeatedly – are… like it not – ultimately responsible for our current healthcare situation. However, our extremely low quality election system is a problem for another day – but soon.

    This situation of being parasitized by the big three for profit health industries is technically/biologically known as a “a combination feeding/breeding aggregation.” (but commonly known by most health care consumers – as just another sorry cluster fuck.) The ACA essentially gave what little control the consumer or the government had in private healthcare over to those three mega industries.

    In doing so, the Democratic Congress essentially said “Here – you guys do this, we in the Congress are far too busy lining our own pockets to be distracted by the basic and critical health welfare economics of our voters. And, well it hurts our heads too much when we think about it” Besides corrupt (, lazy, self-serving politicians and the uninformed and lazy voters (that didn’t vote) that repeatedly re-elect them – how did this happen? How could it happen in America the beautiful. America the brave. America… the grossly profitable – if you can afford to pay to be well enough connected politically.

    The Democrats knew they would never get “universal coverage” passed – something that the majority of the countries people obviously and undeniably needed. However, they also knew that without a >>>socialized<<>> <<>>socialized<<>>taxes<<>>tax<<< supported universal healthcare system regulated by government workers – not career politicians in the pockets of the same corporations they supposedly regulate. Unfortunately, the powers that be don't like math that can't be turned into profits for them. What we could have had is something similar to Canada, where healthcare is far less costly, more efficient for most people – even considering the higher taxes Canadians pay to support it.

    Of course all those health care industry lobbyist would be extremely unhappy with their loss of political influence and reductions in their gross net incomes. Even worse, what if we ended up with a better and overall cheaper (counting associated taxes) health care system. What would voters be inclined to support next – a better education system that actually taught and developed critical thinking skills from pre-school to college? What a disaster for breeding aggregations of corrupt and or career politicians. Politicians whose performance might be closely scrutinized by voters during and before each election. Their re-election might be threatened by having to continue to perform non-stop for their voters welfare 24/7 – instead of their own and their special interests and corporate campaign donors 24/7.

  4. Unfortunately, H’s Word Press based web site freaked out on some of the symbols I used in my text – corrupted and or promptly eliminated a large section of my comment. If you can’t sleep tonight – you can read the uncorrupted version at the Seeking Alpha link to this article. (