‘Are They Playing That For Me?’ Trump Plugs Sean Hannity’s Ratings During Evening Colors
Donald Trump thinks NFL players who kneel during the national anthem are "disrespecting" the flag. He also thinks they're "disrespecting" America's armed forces. And most importantly - for him anyway - he thinks they're "disrespecting" Donald Trump.
Let's just be clear: none of that is true. Taking the knee was a gesture to protest police brutality. Just ask Eric Reid, who quite literally started the whole movement alongside then-teammate Colin Kaepernick. "It baffles me that our protest is
OK southern neighbours, you have to keep-up the pressure by relentlessly calling-out this deeply dishonest and sociopathalogical psychotic.
He’s a chronic and deeply insecure person who has a very geat deal to be insecure about.
Keep calling him out and eventually he’ll start literally frothing at the mouth – to match his figurative frothing. Then the 25th Ammendment can be invoked. Amen.