Trump Calls Bob Corker A Gutless Begger In Traditional Sunday Twitter Meltdown

Back in August, Bob Corker (chairman of the influential Foreign Relations Committee) became the first U.S. Senator to question Donald Trump’s competence or, put differently, to implicitly ask if the President is mentally fit to serve.

“The president has not yet been able to demonstrate the stability nor some of the competence that he needs to demonstrate in order to be successful, and we need for him to be successful,” the Tennessee Senator told reporters in Chattanooga, adding that “he also recently has not demonstrated that he understands the character of this nation [or] that he understands what has made this nation great and what it is today.”

Here’s the video:


That was in part a response to Trump’s bungled handling of the Charlottesville “issue” (which resurfaced on Saturday evening), but more than that, it was a common sense assessment of an administration that is completely off the proverbial rails.

Corker – who recently announced he will not run for re-election – took things up a notch this week in the wake of reports that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson once branded Trump a “moron,” saying the following:

I think as a team Tillerson, Mattis and Kelly help separate us from chaos, so I absolutely support him.

The “chaos” Corker was referring to was of course Donald Trump himself.

Well needless to say, Trump is furious and as is customary on weekends, the President took to Twitter to blast Corker. Here’s Trump:


I think it goes without saying that every bit of that is completely ridiculous and I would challenge even the most ardent Trump supporter to explain how that is befitting of a sitting President.

Additionally, it’s worth noting that this follows a familiar pattern. When Trump is criticized, he always attempts to make it appear to his support base that the criticism stems from this or that person’s sour grapes rather than from an honest assessment of the job he’s doing as President. This is just the Congressional version of his “bleeding face” tweets about Mika Brzezinski.

Finally, note that this is emblematic of why he can’t get anything done on the legislative front. Who in their right mind would want to ally themselves with this President?


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