Shots Fired: Corker Says Trump May ‘Start World War III’, Claims Senate Is Deeply Worried

If you thought Donald Trump was already mad at Bob Corker chances are you haven't seen anything yet. The feud between the outgoing Senator and the President has been simmering for some time and as you're probably acutely aware by now, the tension came to a head on Sunday in truly spectacular fashion as the two men traded insults on Twitter. For those who might have missed our first post on this or who are generally in the dark about how this has progressed, allow us to briefly recap because th

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6 thoughts on “Shots Fired: Corker Says Trump May ‘Start World War III’, Claims Senate Is Deeply Worried

  1. “Look, except for a few people, the vast majority of our caucus understands what we’re dealing with here.”

    And with that first hand knowledge from a most reliable source, we now have exceptional evidence that, except for a few Republican senators, the “vast majority of” Republican Senators know that their president is a mental case, who, except for several easily replaceable men (e.g., Mattis and Kelly), represents chaos for America and the world. Nevertheless, with that knowledge, the “vast majority of” Republican Senators have said nothing and done nothing to protect Americans from this chaos, nor have they taken any steps to remove this greatest threat to America from within since Benedict Arnold.

    1. Marty,

      Well said. You beat me to it.

      The Republicans own the Trump fiasco (lock, stock and the entire barrel of Trump monkeys – including the Russian ones) and this isn’t going to wash off by 2018 – even if they put Trump in a straight jacket tomorrow. The Republicans are done as a serious political party and its going take a generation before they will be given any kind or serious electoral responsibility – beyond dog catcher again.

      That said, this is a wonderful and opportune time for a new fiscal conservative party to rise and replace the social conservative, far right, white supremacist, neo-nazi, nut house that the enabling Republican Party was allowed has evolve into culminating with the election of Trump. A good sensible fiscal conservative party with sound economics would balance some of the left’s non-economically viable social agendas and get the country back to the middle or road and on track again. At the very least a fiscal conservative 3rd party of substance would limit the potential for the current grid lock.

  2. I’m growing to like Bob Corker. Good Lordy, I never imagined that I could feel that way about Corker a few months ago. Trump and the chance of a doomsday scenario coming true does funny things to the brain.

    1. Jeff, I too feel the same. I suppose when the shackles are off, we are all mostly sensible.
      Unfortunately as Winston Churchill said ” spending 5 minutes with the average voter, casts great doubt on the democratic system.”

  3. Thanks Bob, of fu*king course we know the dip-sh*t is lying we have been saying it for going on TWO FU*KING YEARS NOW. How many of”THESE PEOPLE ARE DANGEROUS” quotes do we have to get out into the ether before everyone understands that “these fu*king people are fu*king dangerous”.