Corker Fires Back: White House Is ‘An Adult Day Care Center’ And ‘Someone Missed Their Shift’
And the hits just keep coming.
About an hour ago, Donald Trump had his traditional Sunday Twitter meltdown that found the President lambasting Tennessee Senator Bob Corker as follows:
As we documented in our original post, this is a long-running dispute that came to a head in August when Corker became the first Senator to question Trump's competence and escalated further this week when the Tennessee lawmaker suggested that Rex Tillerson is one of three men that "separate [America'] from the
Obviously this is just Trump playing three-dimensional chess again and people who have no experience in business have trouble recognizing his deal-making wizardry at work.
Yea. right. The man-boy has difficulties dealing with two dimensions. Put an executive order in front him, tell him Obama was for it, and out comes the pen. No need to actually read it. But I get it, “I’ll ask for the moon but they don’t know that I’ll settle for Buffalo.” That is deal-making genius?
What is plainly obvious is that the GOP continues it’s redistribution of wealth to the top 1% and perpetuates the Plutocratic States of America. Fascism is alive and well in the people’s house but this is all at the expense of 99% of the American people and anti-thesis to the ideal of “government by and for the people. ”
If little Donny strays from the “master plan,” the swiftness of his removal will make you head spin.
Corker has “fired back” as stated in the Washington Post on this subject. Basically, he emphatically denies trumps account per his stupid tweets is accurate – in other words More Lies From Trump! Duh. Also, good to note that Coker is 5th or 6th Republican who has spoken out against trump. Doubt they would vote to help trump get his “wonderful” tax plan passed! So trump calls Coker trying to make up and Coker is not changing his comments. If a lot more of these Repubs would grow a pair they be able to retain their cushy government jobs — meanwhile Coker will be as free as the wind and probably has a lot more to say! They should gang up on the Bully and they would win bigly!
CORKER CORKER CORKER CORKER – there, one to replace for each of the Coker’s above. This could happen frequently if I go too fast — the R sticks on my QWERTY Board!
Well the republicans who aren’t running again or not at all somehow find their voice when it is apparent “tiny hands” is going to teart their party apart at least what is left of it. Trump/Bannon can say to each other “we will always have the alt-right”. This will get ugly.