Trump Says Senate Should Start Investigating The Media – But Not Alex Jones And His ‘Amazing Reputation’
Listen, Donald Trump understands that the Senate Intelligence Committee serves an important function. He just doesn't think its resources are being allocated properly and figures their time could be better spent investigating pretty much anything other than Russia.
On Wednesday, at a news conference, committee chairman Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.) said "there is consensus among members and staff that we trust the conclusions of the ICA." In other words, the committee accepts and concurs with the�
THE MOST ABSURD thing is we allow this man to represent the United States of America!
“The Donald” of Tillerson’s honest, but to open – moron classification is a cracked kettle calling the pot dented. Trump is smart enough to learn and repeat as talking points some of the primary problems our country faces, but not smart enough to manage their effective solutions – especially those that don’t benefit him directly. He’s smart enough to divert attention from his daily CFs, but not smart enough to limit himself from making those CFs in advance. His failure to learn from his mistakes, repeating them on Twitter daily – is the best description of Trump’s mental capabilities and its associated illnesses. A person of less wealth would have institutionalized for treatment long ago.
However, Trump is correct that the US media has serious credibility and integrity problems – not just those he points out, but most if not all. The days of independent documented source journalism are long gone. The day when news consumers with evolutionary selected fine tuned critical thinking skills – is equally passed. Today, any news of consequence will have paid spin or be paid content. Couple these for profit biases, with human personal opinion (generally poorly based) bias and its a wonder that the majority knows where the sun will rise each day (sadly a significant number of today’s college students don’t know). However, to think the Senate (another “paid content” enterprise itself) can investigate anything effectively and or in their voters best interest is… well moronic. Tillerson – though a tad slow on the uptake, is smart enough to know Trump’s abilities and or the lack thereof.
Trying to look at the bright side of our current circumstances in the US in light of the election of the unqualified Donald Trump (and in light of negative baggage laden opposing candidate) the conclusion I come to is that thanks to Trump, anyone with above moronic intellectual ability (automatically excluding Trump and many of his followers) can (if they chose to actually look) see just how far from a democracy (or at least one we were taught to think of our Democracy was) and how limited (as opposed to free) a society the US has become. Just as clearly we should see just how completely corrupted its for profit media, election and our systems of elected governance have become.
Now that it has become so painfully obvious of how far the US has strayed from its founding ideals (credit where credit is due – thanks Trump Administration), we now have the opportunity to correct our misdirections and the sources of their misdirection. Or, we can sit back and naively think that a corrupted system (media, election industry, and elected governance) with massive self-interest in the status quo – can correct itself.