Sheep Logic.
The following is brand new from Ben Hunt’s excellent Epsilon Theory, a must read.
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These are baby-doll Southdowns, and yes, they’re exactly as cute as they look in this picture. We only have four today on our “farm”, as sheep have a knack for killing themselves in what would almost be comical fashion if it weren’t so sad. We keep them for their so-so wool, which we clean and card and spin and knit
“It’s time to remember the Old Stories. It’s time to find your pack.”
No. It’s time to write more to the point essays – I don’t mean Tweets, but something that isn’t confused with a book. Even us non-sheep don’t have that long of attention span after 5 PM and there are greener pastures insight.
If all you were trying to say is that markets are manipulated by our government – well, yeah most of us skeptical, critical thinking, non-sheep – we got that some time ago. As for the real sheep about 85% of the US population by my estimation – by your own understanding of sheep – you’re wasting your time.
Great piece, enjoyed it a lot, though it did to start a bit tangential and make me apply myself to finish it, it was very educational and thought provoking, and not just about the markets. Thank you, Heisenberg, for posting this by Ben Hunt
Ben’s great
That was great, and it wasn’t even about sheep. Thanks,Ben
Always a pleasure.
So, Jesus wanted his flock to become more wolf-like. Interesting take. Of course, he was crucified for it.