Video: ‘Dammit, This Is A People Are Dying Story!’ San Juan Mayor Loses It On DHS
I can't even believe I'm about to say this because it's so utterly insane that one struggles to come to terms with the fact that it is indeed reality, but here goes: President Trump has been variously criticized this week for spending too much of his time feuding on Twitter with dozens of NFL players and not enough time on supporting Puerto Rico in the wake of a devastating hurricane.
Trump is aware of the criticism. He's also acutely aware of how devastating the hurricane in fact was, because
some think PR was going to be the 51st state, so as to receive help in their coming BK. but now given 3 more years of trump, its maybe more likely they will secede, maybe even get a large loan from China to help rebuild. on an island like that $5B will go a looong way.
Don’t think the GOP would ever “allow” an island of potential DEM’s to become the 51st state but this is a very sad commentary on half of our political body. Shameful!
Here in Flori-duh, we’re contemplating what impact hundreds of thousands of Puerto Ricans moving here soon is going to have on the political calculus. My money is on “not much” in the near future, because I’ve little doubt that Gov. Scott and AG Pam Bondi, like republicans across the country, will come up with a creative way to suppress their ability to vote, because
brown people…
Ok, and Add This: Apparently that smart ass mouthy FEMA spokeman BROCK LONG is an avid trump lover – just guessing because he has a horrible attitude with the anchors on MSNBC who confront him asking all the right questions about why it has taken so long getting supplies and still not enough help into Puerto Rico.
We have seen with our own eyes the scenes and comments directly from the average person in PR as well as the Mayor and other leaders in PR. But yet, this lame FEMA guy continues to respond to news persons with phrases that are demanding and insulting and accusatory of not telling the truth and/or not supporting the U.S. completely opposite what we are seeing and hearing for ourselves! He has one excuse after another and all but calls MSNBC and others fake news.
Trump and the U.S. government dropped the ball on this response, no doubt. Trump was way to busy starting a fight with the NFL about not showing respect to America. Pause. Think. …NOT SHOWING RESPECT TO AMERICA… I’sn’t that a pants load.
…..and he thinks his base just eats this up.
What a bunch of LOSER’S.
Well, it all got so much worse this morning — he took some time away from his golfing to send a series of tweets. rump’s tweets about Mayor Carmen of Juan are over the line. Now he actually accuses her of poor leadership. Seriously, he is the most disgusting human on the planet. And also blames the Democrats!?! I am beyond outraged. What I wish for him I will not put in print.
I have more to say! His rotten comment about the Mayor’s poor leadership ability in San Juan is more priceless than I can stifle! I read a posting on another article from H (“Krugman: Trump’s Narcissism Is Turning ‘Deadly’”) and the writer made a terrific comment that if trump had owned a golf course there (etc) which reminded me that he actually was involved with a bankrupt golf resort not long ago. So I did some quick research and I know all of you will find this information astonishing, link below.
So while this prick calls the Mayor out for “poor leadership” – keep that in mind as you read this: