‘For This Kind Of Person?’ USA Today Is Not Amused With Trump’s Arpaio Pardon
In case you missed it, Donald Trump - and I can't even believe I'm saying this - seems to have tried to bend Hurricane Harvey to his will by using the storm as a diversionary tactic to deflect attention away from three notable things that happened on Friday evening, just as Harvey was bearing down on Texas.
One of those things was pardoning Joe Arpaio, a move that would have been controversial enough on its own, but has now taken on extra significance as it comes amid a worsening of race rel
furthermore, this disgusting jerk went to Hawaii for trump to investigate Obama’s birth certificate — when trump said he had investigators in Hawaii checking out the birther crap – well, this is who he sent to Hawaii – that’s the bond of these two horrible men — of course trump pardoned him – payback! Neither one of these guys should ever be on our payroll. Put them in one of the sheriff’s tents and feed them the slop he fed them every day and make sure they are wearing the same pink jumpsuits – along with all the other mistreatment. Pretty incredible that both of these corrupt people are walking around freely.
– Murphy