‘You Have No Idea How Much Crazy Stuff We Kill’: Trump Staffers

You might have heard that Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin is being urged by his Yale classmates to "speak out" and resign from Trump’s cabinet following the President's bungled press conference which was chock-full of egregious ramblings about everything from the Founders' slaves and race relations to how dishonest the media is. This is the letter (from 300 members of the Yale College Class of 1985): Dear Secretary Mnuchin: We, some of your fellow members of the Yale College Class of 1985,

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19 thoughts on “‘You Have No Idea How Much Crazy Stuff We Kill’: Trump Staffers

      1. yes, how the hell does someone see the news and watch him and hear what he says and does and still support him? The bad thing is that they still get to vote! omg.

        – Murphy

  1. Buddha said, as recorded in one of many translations of the Dhammaphada,

    “All experience is preceded by mind,
    Led by mind,
    Made by mind.
    Speak or act with a corrupted mind,
    And suffering follows
    As the wagon wheel follows the hoof of the ox.”

    Today, we experience Trump, not by his own making alone, but by the making of the Republican party. Trump is the suffering that follows from the manner by Republicans acted and legislated with corrupted hearts and minds. Trump is their echo, in the most bold, clear and unfiltered way. Republicans broke our democracy. Now they must fix it.

    Excerpted from the New Yorker:

    “Donald Trump’s ascent was hardly the first sign that Americans had not uniformly regarded Obama’s election as an inspiring chapter in the country’s fitful progress toward equality. Newt Gingrich, the former Speaker of the House, had branded him the “food-stamp President.” In the right-wing and white-nationalist media, Obama was, variously, a socialist, a Muslim, the Antichrist, a “liberal fascist,” who was assembling his own Hitler Youth. A high-speed train from Las Vegas to Anaheim that was part of the economic-stimulus package was a secret effort to connect the brothels of Nevada to the innocents at Disneyland. He was, by nature, suspect. “You just look at the body language, and there’s something going on,” Trump said, last summer. In the meantime, beginning on the day of Obama’s first inaugural, the Secret Service fielded an unprecedented number of threats against the President’s person.

    And so, speeding toward yet another airport last November, Obama seemed like a weary man who harbored a burning seed of apprehension. “We’ve seen this coming,” he said. “Donald Trump is not an outlier; he is a culmination, a logical conclusion of the rhetoric and tactics of the Republican Party for the past ten, fifteen, twenty years. What surprised me was the degree to which those tactics and rhetoric completely jumped the rails.”

    For half a century, in fact, the leaders of the G.O.P. have fanned the lingering embers of racial resentment in the United States. Through shrewd political calculation and rhetoric, from Richard Nixon’s “Southern strategy” to the latest charges of voter fraud in majority-African-American districts, doing so has paid off at the ballot box. “There were no governing principles,” Obama said. “There was no one to say, ‘No, this is going too far, this isn’t what we stand for.’ ”
    Last week, the world witnessed Obama’s successor in the White House, unbound and unhinged, acting more or less as Obama had predicted.”

    Worth a read:


    1. Marty, read it and loved it! Saw this one next to it — really good too! Here is a great quote from this article: “This is the inescapable fact: on November 9th, the United States elected a dishonest, inept, unbalanced, and immoral human being as its President and Commander-in-Chief. Trump has daily proven unyielding to appeals of decency, unity, moderation, or fact. He is willing to imperil the civil peace and the social fabric of his country simply to satisfy his narcissism and to excite the worst inclinations of his core followers.”


      nailed it!

      – Murphy

  2. “The bad thing is that they still get to vote! omg.”

    Yeah, wow. OMG. Well said, you fucking loser.

    Not exactly a fan of the democratic process, are ya?

    Liberals. Unbelievable how stupid you are.

  3. “yes, how the hell does someone see the news and watch him and hear what he says and does and still support him?”

    Yeah, how about you say “and” a few more times in one sentence you fucking loser.

    You are not Jack Kerouac. You are a…. fucking….. loser…..

    1. hahahaha! touch a nerve? AND if you had a brain you would see what a fucking loser you support! But based on your juvenile response, I see you AND your idol are a good match. AND fuck you too. 🙂

      – Murphy

      1. No. Your dumbass attempt to sound like a writer did not “hit a nerve” you douche. Pointing out you lame you are does not mean you “hit a nerve.”

        But guess what. It does mean you’ve wasted enough of my time. Goodbye shithead.

      1. “This is the inescapable fact: on November 9th, the United States elected a dishonest, inept, unbalanced, and immoral human being as its President and Commander-in-Chief. Trump has daily proven unyielding to appeals of decency, unity, moderation, or fact. He is willing to imperil the civil peace and the social fabric of his country simply to satisfy his narcissism and to excite the worst inclinations of his core followers.”


        Be sure and read that.

        – Murphy 🙂