What If Bush Had Said, ‘Well, The 9/11 Hijackers Did Buy Plane Tickets’
Excerpted from a piece by John Hudak for FixGov
One of the most important, unofficial roles of an American president is to comfort and help heal the nation when we face tragedy. It is a role no president enjoys serving in, but one that a pained nation expects and needs in order to deal with some ghastly harm.
Whether it was President Reagan speaking to th
When a president fulfills the role, he represents all Americans. Trump is an advocate for only a certain part of the American population. When on August 8, he condemned “hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, many sides,” it was his opening statement for providing cover to those he represents and blaming and diminishing those adverse to them with false equivalency.
He continued to represent “his Americans,” on August 15, when he barked “I think there is blame on both sides,” … “You had a group on one side that was bad. You had a group on the other side that was also very violent. Nobody wants to say that. I’ll say it right now.” Of course, no responsible public official wants to say that, except him, because he’s the only one that seeks to provide protection to his clients, the neo-Nazis, White Supremacists and the KKK. To make it clear: “You had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists and the press has treated them absolutely unfairly,” Trump said at Trump Tower in New York, referring to those who marched in the night with torches at the white nationalist rally who did not have bad intentions, despite chanting “Jews will not replace us,” and “Blood and soil.”
And of course, to make his case, he did what he always did, he lied to make his clients’ case: Trump said some of the right-wing members of the crowd in the Virginia park were “bad,” But he added that the other side came “charging in without a permit and they were very, very violent.” See that, “without a permit?” Another Presidential Lie: https://www.scribd.com/document/356483336/2017-Public-Demonstration-Unity-and-Love-Free-Speech-August-12-2017Certificate-of-Approval#from_embed
America doesn’t need a Grand Wizard or Fuhrer or a Wesley Swift and a proven racist and pathological liar too lead it. A real President is required.
It’s past that time for him to resign, for Congress to remove him, and for Americans to demand both.
H & his readers: a bit off topic but it left me cold when I read it back in February. Place it in the “I Should Have Seen This Coming” file. And when reading it, remember this “man” was a top aide to Senator Jeff Sessions.
Hope the link works.
It should leave you frozen in your tracks, Dan!! Miller is a dear follower of this goon, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Horowitz, and a soulmate of Bannon and Gorka.
In 2007, while at Duke University, Miller and the Conservative Union helped Richard B. Spencer (a White Supremacist, one and of their most valued speaker in Charlottesville) put on an anti-immigration debate. Spencer stated in a media interview that he had spent a lot of time with Miller at Duke, and that Miller had mentored him (although this year he walked back some of that under pressure from Miller when Miller was making effort to enter the White House). Yet, having watched Miller make this presentation of Trump’s new anti-immigration policy, I have no doubt that Bannon has left his “bot” in the White House and that Spencer walked back his “mentor statement,” in an effort to clean-up Miller’s act:
Without Trump manipulating the security clearance process I doubt Gorka or Miller would be working in the WH.