Here Is The Letter IBM’s CEO Sent To Employees On Trump

Here is the letter IBM CEO Ginni Rometty sent to employees regarding Donald Trump


By now, you’ve seen the news that we have disbanded the President’s Strategy and Policy Forum. In the past week , we have seen and heard of public events and statements that run counter to our values as a country and a company. IBM has long said, and more importantly, demonstrated its commitment to a workplace and a society that is open, inclusive and provides opportunity to all. IBM’s commitment to these values remains robust, active and unwavering. 

The despicable conduct of hate groups in Charlottesville last weekend, and the violence and death that resulted from it, shows yet again that our nation needs to focus on unity, inclusion, and tolerance. For more than a century and in more than 170 countries, IBM has been committed to these values.

Engagement is part of our history, too. We have worked with every U.S. president since Woodrow Wilson. We are determinedly non-partisan — we maintain no political action committee. And we have always believed that dialogue is critical to progress; that is why I joined the President’s Forum earlier this year.

But this group can no longer serve the purpose for which it was formed. Earlier today I spoke with other members of the Forum and we agreed to disband the group. IBM will continue to work with all parts of the government for policies that support job growth, vocational education and global trade, as well as fair and informed policies on immigration and taxation.


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6 thoughts on “Here Is The Letter IBM’s CEO Sent To Employees On Trump

  1. You have to wonder why people choose to write the things they write.

    President Woodrow Wilson is considered by many to be a racist.

    Rometty didn’t have to mention Wilson, he could have written: “We have worked with many U.S. presidents.” He could have left out the entire line of thinking. Yet, the choice made reflects an ignorance of history or poor judgment or a lack of knowhow in using google.

    Here, it’s easy:

    1. Marty, almost off subject but just a thought that crossed my mind – what’s left of it anyway – you may have read my comment posted on one of these topics in the last few days – about the high school I attended and just last year they changed the name; it was Robert E Lee Senior High School and changed due to the racist connection. NOW I read your note about Woodrow Wilson… I attended an elementary school (1952) by the name of Woodrow Wilson (and the name has not been changed…yet).

      Isn’t it amazing how many schools were named after all these men? Google cannot even count the number of just the Woodrow Wilson schools across America! It takes multiple decades and several full generations to accept certain facts and take the big steps to change the future.

      – Murphy

      1. Exactly, Murphy! So you’ve got to infer that those who would reacted to Wilson and Lee, in the same fashion that we react to Trump, were not in favor of building schools erecting monuments or statues in their honor!

        It shouldn’t surprise you that “there are 91 public schools named after John F. Kennedy, 73 named after Thomas Jefferson and 13 named after Barack Obama. (In total, the U.S. had 99,354 public schools, according to the most recent count.) But when it comes to former President Richard Nixon, who resigned amid scandal in 1974, just two public schools across the country bear his name, according to the Department of Education.” Hopefully Nixon’s two, are two more than they’ll build with Trump’s name on it!!

      1. You missed an earlier comment of mine: Whenever used herein, a pronoun in the masculine gender shall be considered as including the feminine gender unless the context clearly indicates otherwise and a pronoun in the feminine gender shall be considered as including the masculine gender unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. 🙂 Thank you, Anonymous.

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