Wall Street Journal: There Is No Saving This President From Himself

************ Via Jason L. Riley for WSJ's editorial board “No WH Chaos!” tweeted President Trump Monday morning, reassuring precisely no one. Hours later, news broke that the chaos-free White House had decided to replace Anthony Scaramucci, the communications director who had managed to talk himself out of a job he’d held for less than two weeks. Mr. Scaramucci’s potty mouth has received most of the attention. How you comport yourself in public as a high-ranking government offi

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One thought on “Wall Street Journal: There Is No Saving This President From Himself

  1. Conviction, that is what it takes to be successful at anything. Mr trump has zero conviction about most jobs except those that directly involve himself and sometimes his family. Sooner or later everyone else goes under the bus. When the “narcissist in chief” needs or wants something from you, you are the bigly, bestest human on the planet, then family or not it’s under the bus. Trump is the a typical “when things are great” he is me, me, I, I look how great I am. When they are not it is ALWAYS someone else’s FAULT. The final fault will never be his because there will always be another to blame. Besides the “black guy”, the woman, the congress never did anything right.