Sean Spicer Resigns
This is developing...
Well, it's been a long time coming, but former White House easter bunny and man who has been subjected to relentless ridicule and ceaseless late night television trolling, Sean Spicer, has finally had all he can take.
Apparently, Scaramucci was the straw that broke the camel's back. And Spicer wasn't the only one in opposition. "Reince Priebus and Steve Bannon fought hard to stop [Scaramucci's appointment], but Trump made up his own mind with the full support of Jared and
Kevin James is a shoe in to play Spicer in the movie – “Triple T – Trump’s Treasonous (1 yr.) Term” (Alternate title is “The President Russia Elected” set to come out in fall of 2018 – just in time for Christmas.
(This isn’t intended as fake news, but obvious ‘wishful thinking’ by those that think.)