Are We Now Ok With Encouraging Foreign Dictators To Hack Domestic Opponent’s Emails?

************ Via Benjamin Wittes, Jane Chong, Quinta Jurecic for Lawfare The Trump White House’s key defensive wall has developed some major cracks. Ever since the first revelations of L’Affaire Russe, President Trump and his defenders have insisted that there’s no evidence of “collusion” between Russian operatives and either the Trump campaign or the candidate himself. This defense was always a highly qualified one that conceded a great deal, despite being often presented in

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7 thoughts on “Are We Now Ok With Encouraging Foreign Dictators To Hack Domestic Opponent’s Emails?

  1. Yep all very interesting.. But zero evidence of collusion regarding anything. Even this current BS re Donald Jr has been known for months. It was released again to obfuscate and spike the Trump success in visiting Europe. The NYT WAPO CNN and the rest of the MSM has released one of these things every week or so for about 18 months… They have all been nothing burgers. What we do know factually is that Bill Clinton was paid a couple of $$ million for speeches. We do know that Hillary participated in the approval process of a sale of US uranium resources coincident with a large payment to the Clinton foundation. We do know that the DNC would allow no one to examine their supposedly hacked servers. We do know that the Clinton campaign met with Ukraine for anti trump opportunities research. We do know that the Clinton campaign staffers book stated that the Trump Russia collusion narrate was made up by them the morning after the election loss. WE do know that CNN producers and others are on video acknowledging lying about the Trump Russia narrative for ratings. We do know that Hillary violated the espionage act 30 or 40 times. We do know that Hillary destroyed evidence under subpoena. Anyway Nice Story.

  2. Carpenter, you really need to lay off the kool-aid. Maybe you should make an appt. with Trump’s doctor. Even I can dissect your long paragraph of lies, sentence by sentence, but clearly you would remain firm in your pledge of loyalty to your lying con. You hang in there.

    – Murphy

  3. “a foreign lawyer who purports to be acting on behalf of an adversary foreign power”

    Really? “behalf??” This guy said, I come to you as a Russian operative operating at the behest of the KGB? Yeah, Right.

    This is such nonsense. All this frivolity can only impede POTUS from doing his job.

    But of course, the same might be said for Clinton the philanderer. So … it’s “two wrongs make a right?” Pfffffft.

  4. In answer to the headline’s question, Yes, we are now O.K. with foreign dictators hacking candidates emails. Why? Because it is going to happen, over and over again, in almost every election in every major country, so we are just going to have to deal with it. The Chinese, the Israelis, the Brits, the Rooskies, and, of course, our own intelligence agencies all try to hack all types of communications. Do the hackers try to influence elections? Sometimes yes, most of the time, no. The electorate will just have to sift through the chaff, like they do with the junk that the major candidates throw out there anyway.

  5. Well, we can let the FBI know you are ok with foreign dictators hacking presidential candidate emails – they should keep you busy and out of the way for a while. Maybe they will visit you soon. You are either a total idiot or a troll….. either way, pretty tired of your total bullshit.

    – Murphy

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