The Greatest Danger To America: The Politicization Of Facts

********** Via Elizabeth McElvein for Lawfare Recent polling data on the Russia investigation underscores the degree to which partisanship taints Americans’ assessment of security politics. Not only are Americans intensely polarized in their assessment of matters related to the investigation into Russian election interference, but their assessments of the validity of intelligence community (IC) analysis are also highly polarized. Taken together, these trends pose risks for the perception o

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2 thoughts on “The Greatest Danger To America: The Politicization Of Facts

  1. The thing is this: When it comes to Americans’ assessment of matters relating to the investigation into Russian election interference, or for the matter, Americans assessment of matters relating to climate warming, or for that matter, Americans assessment of matters relating to whether the forthcoming central banks unwind will cause equity markets to sell off, my sense is that the vast majority of Americans have not read any of the intelligence communities reports, scientific papers, or Heisenberg reports, or even decent summaries of them, and therefore their assessments basically ain’t worth crap. Everybody seems to have an opinion based on the most recent headline – and yes, this is America and they are entitled to it – but the fact remains that the one thing these polls tell us is that there are millions and millions of Americans who are unable or could care less about making objective judgments based upon readily accessible information and data. If nothing else proves that up, witness the fact that Trump managed to be elected president. And if the retort is that Hillary was an appalling alternative, then a collective American brain examination is indispensable before the next election.

    1. I hear that! I think I have said before that I was not a Hillary fan but I voted for her as the best of the two evils. When I read that people did not vote for her because of Benghazi or what about her emails! or she sold uranium to Russia! or her foundation was a sham or the one that really sends me into orbit….. that pizzagate bullshit ….. and then I read they voted for trump because he must be successful because he is rich. omg.

      It seems to me there is something “off” about those polls. I would need more details before I would put much confidence in those ridiculous results. There is no denying she won popular vote by more than 3 million and the past six months of trump failures and exposures and WH turnover…, there has to be something off in those poll numbers.

      – Murphy