Beware The ‘Froth’: Deutsche Bank Delivers Epic Warning To Investors
I’m looking for the vision. What’s the plan? If the goal is to end inflated assets, crisis-rate levels or obscene balance sheet sizes, then say so.
That's from former FX trader Richard Breslow who, as noted earlier this morning, is "outraged" to start the week.
Of course central banks are trying to communicate the "plan" and the "goal" as clearly as they possibly can without triggering an outright panic.
It's become abundantly clear that, to quote Deutsche Bank's Francis Yared, "central b
First of all there is not and end to capitalism. This comment makes your whole analysis fatally flawed. Next you are combining statistics and economies of countries with vastly different growth engines, political systems and policy directions. I do agree that the European economies continue to be in trouble. Huge welfare states, slow growth, socialist government policy positions. The US is entirely different.