David Wants Someone To Explain Why The Fuck Trump Needs Sensitive Voter Data

********** Via David Becker for The Hill  It’s an understatement to say the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity’s request to every state for highly-sensitive personal information on every U.S. voter is raising major concerns among leaders in almost every state. Chaired by Vice President Pence and co-chaired by Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, both Republicans, they asked for data including voters’ dates of birth, political party, last four digits of Soc

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5 thoughts on “David Wants Someone To Explain Why The Fuck Trump Needs Sensitive Voter Data

  1. He is a conspiracy theorist and does not trust anything involving the government. He is convinced there is no way in hell he did not have the majority vote. Now that he is at the top of the food chain he wants to prove it. He wants to find those illegal votes! Nothing else is important to him.

    He is gonna end up in one of two places….either behind bars OR wrapped in a white jacket and tied to a bed.

    – Murphy

  2. Well, being old and fearful of how our democracy may well be in trouble, I think we should maybe wonder if this type of action on the part of the federal government could end up leading to strong interference with voters’ rights. But go ahead and reject this because quite frankly I am very suspicious of Steve Bannon’s role in our govt. as well as why Trump seems to favor a cabinet (and others) who have strong ties to Russia and or the Ukraine.

  3. Trump and his comrades created the voter fraud panel for obvious reasons: It provides a platform from which he can (1) repeat his lies to his followers as to how the 2016 popular vote actually was won by him, (2) begin to rally state, county and local entities sympathetic to his causes as well private groups and persons of every kind to commence their voter suppression strategies for 2018, and (3) use the lies that voter fraud panel will publish to justify new Federal Executive Orders on the subject. What kind of E.O.s? He will seek to sign E.O.s which will operate to repeal or dilute the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the major congressional amendments to it, most of which were enacted during administrations presided over by Republican presidents, and two of which were enacted to legislatively overrule opinions of the US Supreme Court (handed down by so-called conservative members of the court which effectively rolled back some of the protections of the Act. Trump will also use the E.O.s to encourage Congress to passage legislation to accomplish the same result.

    So, during the campaign, when Trump stated: ““Tonight, I’m asking for the vote of every single African American citizen in this country who wants to see a better future,” and the Great Con Man then asked, “What do you have to lose by trying something new, like Trump?” is there anyone left in this country who doesn’t know the answer today?

  4. Trump’s resistance to investigate Russia election influence is simple. As they say – more or less – follow the motivation. Trump’s motivation is his re-election campaign – which he knows is like his first election – wholly dependent on direct and illegal assistance from from his Russian overlord – Putin and associates.

    As we discover daily, there was a huge amount of contact between Trump senior campaign members and Russian intelligence operatives representing Putin’s interest. While political campaign contact with foreign “allies” is certainly not unheard from prior elections and with both political parties, but contact and apparent assistance from foreign nations that are considered primary threats and enemies to the US is unheard of.

    Unfortunately, Trump’s contact and assistance from enemy’s of the US with his election is not the US’s larger problem. The problem for the US is the election “system” that not only allowed Trump to become elected this way, but as well a Justice system and a self-serving Republican Congress that still can’t figure out what to do about it – or how to do anything in a timely and efficient manner.

    Clearly, we have a man in the Presidency that has demonstrated himself to be something other and far less – legally and capably (mentally) – than those who voted for – thought him to be. Now we are stuck with trying to reform a dysfunctional election system – with those who benefited from it in positions of authority. It is no surprise at all that they want to maintain our sloppy, corrupted, and “pay-to-play” election and Justice system just as it is for their own continued benefit.

    1. DUGGER, excellent comment and bears repeating!!

      “Clearly, we have a man in the Presidency that has demonstrated himself to be something other and far less — legally and capably (mentally) — than those who voted for — thought him to be. Now we are stuck with trying to reform a dysfunctional election system — with those who benefited from it in positions of authority. It is no surprise at all that they want to maintain our sloppy, corrupted, and “pay-to-play” election and Justice system just as it is for their own continued benefit.”

      It should not be this difficult to get rid of this ridiculous and dangerous man. This error in judgement by the Electoral College voters should not be allowed to continue to disrupt and destroy our democratic society. The damage being done to our environment alone is extremely harmful – Scott Pruitt is destroying years of air and water purification already; cannot imagine what it will be like in a few more years! The financial burden due to excessive expenses of the Secret Service and transportation costs of this presidency is astronomical, plus years to come! The healthcare is already a joke and no end in sight – millions of people are suffering anxiety due to fear of no affordable healthcare. His entire family is either corrupt or completely ignorant of civilized behavior. The lie after lie after lie and attempts to deceive and cover-up is intolerable! Highly suspicious and numerous connections to Russia; then denied and later to be discovered and explained with more lies and cover-ups! He chooses his words carefully but ‘insinuates’ using one of his favorite catch-phrases, “some people are saying” or “some one told me” – another way he forms his constant lies or hoodwinks!

      Relationships with ALL of our (former?) allies is highly questionable! Relationships with N. Korea now at the brink of collapse into war. Disruption of the improved relations with Cuba only because Trump is so jealous of Obama and wants to overturn everything he did. His desired and cultivating relationship with Putin is outrageous and not only to Americans. Trump’s 100% bullshit about hire America, make in America, buy only made in America – look at his buildings, workforces and employees, products and his labels, nothing from his daughter, nothing at all, is made in America. Hell, a crop of his MAGA hats were made in China!

      He fakes his way thru all conversations, talks in circles, typical con method of fooling his audience! Majority of this America is smarter than he is and clearly recognize every single thing I have said is true. The Republican barricade protecting this sniveling lying jackass must be removed and we can drag him out of our White House! The sooner the safer!

      – Murphy

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