Trump: I’ll Build Wall Out Of Solar Panels Because There’s “Lots Of Sun” Down There

Here's the thing: Donald Trump is going to build a wall on the Mexican border. And it's going to be a "big, beautiful" wall. The reason he needs to do this is clear: Mexicans are "rapists" and "they're bringing drugs." Sure, "some of them, [he] imagines, are good people." But not most of them. Most of them are "rapists." And drug bringers. Or rapists on drugs. Whatever. The point, as Fabio recently put it while discussing Prop 57, is that "there's going to be a lot of raping." Unless of co

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8 thoughts on “Trump: I’ll Build Wall Out Of Solar Panels Because There’s “Lots Of Sun” Down There

    1. This is exactly the kind of argument that seems to make sense at a cursory reading, but if you think about it for more than a minute is nonsense.

      Let’s break it down:
      “Nothing wrong with giving the border patrol what it wants to enforce immigration laws.”
      OK so we just give them what they want. At what cost? Surely there is a level of spending per year at which zero immigrants could arrive or stay illegally. Is it $1 billion a year or $100 billion? What is stopping CPB from “wanting” $100 billion, $200 billion, $1 trillion — I’ve never known a federal agency to want less money or turn down some. And at what cost to civil liberties for the legal citizens and immigrants — we could round up 330 million people and verify their identities and legal status and get rid of the illegals and start making everyone walk around with their passports for on demand legal status checks. I’d sure love to live in that society, and that’s what it would take to “enforce immigration laws” to the full extent.

      Oh what’s that you say, we’ll compromise and accept some illegal immigrants and just get rid of the bad guys? Well that’s basically what we’ve been doing for 8+ years.

      “There is a lot wrong with those that don’t support that effort.”
      No, that just means people prioritize using scarce resources wisely to address actual problems. Yes focus on finding criminals — maybe not spending $25 billion on a wall could be better directed toward that goal more efficiently. Or direct resources to finding ways to update our immigration laws to allow more legal immigrants, helping them integrate into the community and helping native workers negatively affected by immigration.

      1. “maybe not spending $25 billion on a wall could be better directed toward that goal more efficiently. Or direct resources to finding ways to update our immigration laws to allow more legal immigrants, helping them integrate into the community and helping native workers negatively affected by immigration.”

        EXACTLY! Maybe employers, like farmers or assembly plants, who have an interest in hiring immigrant labor could be registered with their state government as willing to hire and supervise, require their compliance with laws and taxes, in order to work towards citizenship. “Legal” employees would have documents to set them as pre-citizen or pre-approved employee status. Criminals would not be tolerated but there would not be bands of cops set out to hide and find any immigrants which instills fear in decent law abiding people who are simply trying to provide for their families — or worse yet, ripping a parent from children and separating the families. America just needs to work out a procedure for peaceful and non-fearful immigration, as we did over 100 years ago. This would also shut down a large portion human trafficking and those poor souls who are forced to pay 10’s of thousands of dollars for illegal transportation. Job security would help immensely.

        Trump’s treatment of immigration is shameful. We should not punish civilized good people for the actions of criminals.

        – Murphy

  1. At some point being just dumb, ignorant and uninformed – turns into “pathologically stupid.” This solar wall idea is thus far the clearest symptom of just how pathologically stupid Donald Trump is – and consequently by direct association – how stupid the people are that continue to support him. If Trump would just shut up – he might not daily demonstrate, we might not know, or understand just how intellectually deficient the man is. Clearly, by his own words and actions – he is a menace to himself and the country.

    Most people with minimal education know that solar panels are generally installed on the southern exposure of roofs (or walls) because the sun shines on them for the highest percentage of the time each day and through out the year. What this means is that for someone to propose a solar wall, they would have to be so stupid as not to realize that the solar panels will have to be installed on the southern side of this wall. Yes, Donald – Mexico is also on the southern side of the wall. Based on the accusations that you – Donald – continue to make against the Mexican population, how long do you think it will take for those solar panels to disappear off the wall?

    Donald, I am quite sure you will get a lot of support (verbal, not financial) from Mexicans living along the southern exposure of your Great American Wall – for you to have that Wall’s southern exposure plastered with solar panels. If this absurdly stupid idea comes about – I see the northern part of Mexico becoming solar energy independent very soon.

    1. Hey D – nice to read you again 🙂 You took some of my own words right out of my mouth so I am now here to just say ‘I was thinking the same thing’ about the requirement for solar panels to have southern exposure, and Mexico is south of his wall. You also pointed out how absurdly stupid this idea is – keeping in mind that he made sure to tell us that it was His idea, always bragging about himself. Also, excellent point about the increased cost and short life span of the panels. And he is supposed to be such a great businessman. He is a pathetic joke……and so is his wall in any form.

      – Murphy

  2. So…… just another clusterfu*k from Mr. Clusterfu*k himself. Solar panels? Really? The right wing nut jobs will see this as brilliant even though solar power jobs are supposedly killing their oil,gas and coal jobs. The irony will I am sure lost on ………………….

  3. Shouldn’t the GOP (*Grand Oil Party) cover the wall with oil. It’s “cheaper” and one then benefits from “the greased pole” effect. It’s a win win.