Guest Post: The Truth About Lies

Via Notes From Disgracedland’s Bjarne Knausgaard The truth about lies Would you believe your eyes or my words? (Groucho Marx) The final objective of the Lacanian psychoanalysis, the end of therapy, is to reach the point of Traversing the fantasy where the patient confronts the traumatic Real and learns how to live with it, but without the fantasy as a cushion. This is the point of re-avowing subjective responsibility. Post-truth politics is a reversal of the Lacanian psychoanalysis — it co

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4 thoughts on “Guest Post: The Truth About Lies

  1. “This is a new breed of post-truth politicians…” – this is absolutely nothing new. New to the US? Maybe. People are people, and we haven’t changed much in thousands of years. And we aren’t going to. Nations rise and fall, technology advances, but we are still the same brilliant idiots we’ve always been.

  2. “— the intermediaries of truth — are expected to adhere to the facts primarily to prevent societies from drifting too far away into self-deception.”

    So what prevents the lies that society tells itself from causing this same drift in self-deception? It’s difficult to distinguish the effects of one group’s lies to another, (or one’s own, for that matter), set of lies. I would suggest that society is barreling down that four-lane freeway of self-deception just fine on its own. Perhaps our political leaders are simply reflecting the poor moral condition of the common man.

    Also, there seems to be a disconnect in the perception of reality here. It appears that in the mind of the author there have been no lies from the liberal camp since around the time of Ronald Reagan, whereas the conservative side has never told the truth since then, maybe.

    Oh wait, here’s one that comes to mind!

    “I never had sexual relations with that woman, Monica Lewinsky.”

    Drops mic. Walks off stage…
    (OK. I plagiarized a bit here…)