Ben & Jerry’s Says “No Scoops For You!” In Same-Sex Marriage Push

Conservatives love to shout about how the government has no business interfering in private enterprise. Or private anything for that matter. Unless of course you're talking about Twitter and Facebook (private companies) exercising discretion over what kind of content is allowed on their platforms. In which case government should definitely intervene to stop them from banning fake news (think: Seth Rich conspiracy theories). Or unless of course you're talking about whether people should be all

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4 thoughts on “Ben & Jerry’s Says “No Scoops For You!” In Same-Sex Marriage Push

  1. From ‘The Recessional’ by Rudyard Kipling:

    “For heathen hearts that put their trust
    in reeking tube and iron shard,
    All valiant dust that builds on dust
    and guarding calls not thee to guard
    For foolish boast and frantic word
    Thy mercy on thy people, Lord.”

    1. it’s a liberal conspiracy.

      has nothing to do with same-sex marriage.

      really what’s going on is that a high percentage of people who order two scoops of the same flavor are anti-globalists and so when George Soros found that out, he paid off Ben and Jerry to ban ordering two scoops of the same flavor, that way the anti-globalists can’t get the sugar high they need to fight the liberals who want to put tracking devices in cookies n’ cream cartons so they can monitor Alex Jones while he sleeps.