Assault Isn’t A Good Reason To Keep Greg Gianforte Out Of Congress – But This Is…
Last night, I made a mistake and I took an action that I can’t take back, and I’m not proud of what happened. I should not have responded the way that I did and for that I’m sorry.
That's from the election night speech delivered by Republican Greg Gianforte, who prevailed in a special election last night over Rob Quist, a folk singer.
As you're undoubtedly aware, Gianforte's apology excerpted above is a reference to a rather unfortunate incident in which he apparently "body-slammed" a
Fortunately, in the bigger scheme of things, Montana does not count for much (number of members of Congress, popular vote). Knowing as I do some people living there I suspect the body slam was met with some amount of approval.
yeah, definitely not applauding the body slam. just think the bigger issue is a guy pushing lies about the planet Earth on school children
Pushing lies does seem to be fashion lately.
I mean BIG lies.
My Gosh. The total ignorance of these people is umfathomable. How can you become a multi-millionaire and be an idiot at the same time. He and humans like him(aka Trump) are proof how primitive humans truly are. This is more proof how are societies need sane people to run for office (not these backwoods sociopaths). The question is are there enough sane people to vote for them?
Unfortunately, he joins a congressional caucus, of many, like-minded individuals.
Sad, bigly sad. Facts don’t matter, only guns, the hated “others,” aborted fetuses, and the bedrock of Republican theology, tax cuts for the wealthy Fuck them all to hell!
Yes, Ger, I concur — when I read comments posted on almost any article, political or not, I am truly shocked at the ignorance on full display. Of course I realize some of the most shocking ones are really just some bored troll. Our society is becoming more of a disgrace each year and when we have a president like this one, omg, we will take years to overcome what is lost. And if you read enough yesterday about this MT. assault, you also read how much trump loved it — and I fully believe we can lay blame for the open aggressiveness and racist behavior on the example set forth during the campaign. It seemed to have freed the evil to show itself.
– Murphy
More amazing than the exceptional ignorance of Gianforte’s Dark Ages belief system – is that the critically thinking people of this country (unfortunately less than 20% of the population – and probably under 5% if you want consistency of unbiased thought) are just now beginning to wake up to threat of the stupidity of the under educated masses. Forget concepts of evil and good – the intellectual advancement of humans has always been between antiquated faith based ignorance and critically derived reproducible knowledge. Surely you do understand that with Trump’s recent EO allows that our churches will now become the political tools of far right extremist that elected Trump – joining the neo-nazis and other uneducated social conservative alliance that elected this privileged from birth ass hat. (https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-signs-order-aimed-at-allowing-churches-to-engage-in-more-political-activity/2017/05/04/024ed7c2-30d3-11e7-9534-00e4656c22aa_story.html?utm_term=.393fc9d018c2)
The New Dark Ages has arrived in the US with Trump and his acolytes dragging the country further into the darkness of deceit and ignorance daily and it has now become obvious that some of the unfortunate co-characteristics of US critical thinkers – include apathy, laziness, the general lack of a “spine” and or an effective sense of self-preservation. If you can’t turn loose of your supernatural/paranormal religious addictions – then consider paraphrasing Edmund Burke’s quote: “”The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil (ignorance) is for good (critical thinking) men (people) to do nothing.” If you don’t want this self-serving fool to drag the US nation, democracy and way of life into extinction – you better get off your asses and force the Congress, the JOD and or the Military to do their Constitutionally assigned jobs and stop him while you can. The more Gianforte Brown Shirts Trump gets behind him, the further into the darkness we are.
D Dugger — precisely why I spend extraordinary amount of posting time asking everyone to please vote to remove any/all current repubs who will not step forward and lead an impeachment charge to remove the head of the snake! Democrats and realistic sane repubs can overthrow the EVIL that is lurking and working to shut down our democratic beliefs. With faith I believe the next president can undo some of the bullshit EO’s that assface has signed! (And how ridiculous was it that this guy signed an EO to make April sexual assault awareness month and it went almost without notice??!) PEOPLE, PLEASE PAY ATTENTION to what this cretin is doing!
– Murphy