Video: Trump Slap-Shoves Montenegro PM, Adjusts Coat, Puts On Best Mussolini Face

Back in 2006, at the G8 summit in St Petersburg, George Bush decided he’d give Angela Merkel a friendly shoulder massage.

The video quickly went viral for obvious reasons:


But you know, that’s was just “Dubya” being “Dubya.” Sure, we were all a little embarrassed for Merkel and also for ourselves (after all, that was the face, errr… the hands, of the American people), but we laughed it off.

Well on Thursday we got “Merkel back rub anno 2017,” only this time, Merkel is DuÅ¡ko Marković, the prime minister of Montenegro, and the well-meaning back rub is a not-so-well-meaning shove.

Watch below as Donald Trump literally pushes Markovic out of the way, strides in front of him, and then, in the final act, adjusts his suit coat and sticks his chin out Mussolini-style…

Perhaps Newsweek summed it up best:

Trump forcefully slapped a hand on the shoulder of Montenegro Prime Minister Dusko Markovic, pushed him aside, and barreled his way through to the front of the group. Satisfied, Trump raised his chin, adjusted his jacket and surveyed the crowd before him.

Yes sir, international diplomacy at its finest…


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3 thoughts on “Video: Trump Slap-Shoves Montenegro PM, Adjusts Coat, Puts On Best Mussolini Face

  1. He is the most arrogant pompous bastard and a complete disgrace to America. I hate this man, really, hate this man. Every day there is another “breaking news” or complete embarrassment. The destruction he has done and continues to do to our country is truly shameful.


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