North Korea Decides Now’s As Good A Time As Any To Launch Another Missile

Two days ago, North Korea’s Deputy U.N. Ambassador Kim In Ryong said that in order to end the "problems" on the Korean peninsula, the US needed to first cease with its "hostile policy" toward Pyongyang. That, Kim said, was a prerequisite for talks. "As everybody knows, the Americans have gestured (toward) dialogue," Kim told reporters on Friday. "But what is important is not words, but actions." Yes, "what is important is not words, but actions." And to prove it, Pyongyang launched ano

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2 thoughts on “North Korea Decides Now’s As Good A Time As Any To Launch Another Missile

  1. If the US wants to work in solving the Korean issue, the first and most important thing it needs to do is Apologise for it’s acts of genocide in the Korean War. Let their be a Man of Truth, let their be a True Man who could lead the not so great Nation of America. In fact Time waits for no Nation, Big or Small.